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Ariela POV

"Merry Christmas!!!" Jerome and Jaileny screammed as they ran in to my room and jumped on my bed. I turned on to my back and sat up in bed. I smiled at two angels and gave them a hug. Today is going to be a busy day. I am going to be cooking all day long and it's just going to be crazy. Jaleny and Jerome walked out my room and I got up and took a shower. I finished and went to my closet. Good thing I already had my christmas day and night outfit picked out. For christmas day time I am wearing black leggings, a long red sweater that reached past my butt, and green classic uggs. I have a little bump but not much. I grabbed my phone and jogged downstairs. I never get tired of seeing the downstairs It's so pretty with all the christmas decorations and lights and stuff. I smiled and walked to the kitchen. The twins and Marcus where all eating breakfast.

"Morning everyone!" I said walking to the pantry. I got out some baking stuff and set them on the counter. I brought out the things the twons will need to make a gingerbread house.

"Good Morning." They said at the same time. I chuckled a little and started baking some cookies. Well me and Marcus are on a break I guess. It hurt when he said that but I understand. It's weird because it's like we are still chill with each other but not like before. We are more distant. I haven't really talked to Nat. I have probably had like 2 or 3 conversations with him. I mean, I am not mad at him and if I was, I could never stay mad because he is my nigga.

"My mom said she is on her way." Marcus said washing the dishes. I smiled and nodded. I missed his momma. She loves me like as if I am her own.

"Oh yay. Is Xavier coming through?" I asked. I kinda want him to. No matter how much he annoys me, I have to love him. Marcus shook his head no and I pouted. Well that sucks.

"Im gonna head out real quick. I got to handle something." Marcus said. I looked at him and shook my head. He ALWAYS got something to do. It's so annoying. He smacked his lips and looked at me.

"Why you acting like you brand new Ari. You know whats up." He said grabbing a pair of keys off the rack. I sucked my teeth.

"Yah, whatever nigga. Bye." I said and turned back to my baking. He didn't say anything else and just left. A couple minutes later Jerome came in and sat at the island.

"Mom, what is up with you and pops?" He asked. I sighed and looked at him wait paitently. Oh how i wish they was still babies that couldn't understand shit.

"Well, your dad and I are going through something right now but we coo." I said. He didn't change his face and just sat there.

"Are you and dad going to split up?" He asked me. My heart just dropped right therre. It hurt that my child is actually worrying about this. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"Don't worry Jerome. Just know that we both are always going to love you and Jaleny equally." I said. He nodded and then ran upstair. I sat in the seat he was sitting in and but my head on the counter. My silence was interupted by the door opening and closing.

"Ariela baby!" Marcus's mom yelled through the house. I lifted my head just as she walked in to the kitchen. I got up and gave her a big hug. She put the dozens of gift bags down and went to where my baking stuff was. She started where I left off.

"Hey momma. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I am doing fine. How are you and my pin headed son doing?" She asked. I chuckled at what she said.

"Ehh ok. We are like on a break and he is being an assshole and Jeorme just asked me if we was gonna split." I said. She sighed and put the mixing spoon down. Before she could speak, Marcus came through the kitchen door. I frowned and his mom nodded at him. I love her man.

"Aye ma." He said hugging her and giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Mhm. Boy don't you see your pregnant girlfriend sitting right there." She said pointing at me. Marcus looked at me and nodded. .......................................... He nodded. Jesus take the motherfucking wheel!

"Oh so it's like that. Whatever. I didn't want your sorry ass hi anyways. I am going to take a nap. Fuck you Marcus." I said then walked out the kitchen. I could hear Ms. Wright yelling at Marcus. That is what he gets. I got to our room and just plopped down on to the bed.

~4 Hours Later~

I woke up to the sounds of yelling and laughter. I checked my phone and I noticed it was already time for guest to be here. Shit. I hopped out of bed and brushed my already staright hair down. I am not going to even bother with the christmas night outfit. I still look good. I ran downstairs and everyone was down there. I went and gave everyone a hug except for some girl that was there with Craig. I swear Craig got one more. Just one more to come to my house.

"Dinner time!" Marcus's mom yelled. Everyone made their way to the big dining room. Everyone took a seat and we joined hands. Illiana lead the prayer before we ate. After the prayer everyone made their plate and dug in.

"Oh yah, everyone this is my girlfriend." Craig said breaking the some what silence. I looked at him and shook my head. Can't he just admit he still want's Monique back.

"Oh really? What happened to the other hoe?" I asked with a fake confused tone. He glared at me and I returned it. He got the wrong one boo. The hoe mugged me and let's just say she is lucky I am pregnant and found Jesus.

"Cut it out. Both of you. Nice to meet you child." My dad said. The girl smiled at him and waved. Like bitch why you waving when he right across the table from your ass.

"It's Shekina." She said. I laughed almost spitting out my food. Everyone looked at me.

"More like ratchet" I said. Craig let out a small chuckle but tried to cover it up by coughing and taking a sip of his water.

"Baby, your going to let that bitch talk to me like that?" She asked. I shot my head at her and I swear I am bout to kill a bitch tonight.

"Naaa hold up. There will be none of this bullshit in my house and in front of my kids so if you gonna keep talking reckless then both of y'all can get the fuck out." Marcus said. I looked at him like he was crazy and turned my head away. He also got the wrong one. Everyone got the wrong one tonight.

"Whatever. Asshole." I said under my breath. I guess he heard me because he sucked his teeth. I don't know why he is doing this today out of all days. The rest of dinner was quiet and awkward. When everyone was done, we went in to the living room for gifts. I did get Marcus something but it was just something small. I don't think I am going to give it to him because he has been acting like a real ass lately.

"Thanks mom. Thanks dad." Jerome and Jaleny said hugging us. They just got some new shoes, clothes and me and Jaleny got matching Chanel phone cases. Like an hour later everyone ended up leaving. I cleaned up the kitchen and by the time I was done the kids where already in bed and it was just me and Marcus. I decided now would be a good time to talk.


I am tired and have school tomorrow. I needed to stop. But tell me what you think bout this fucked up chapter



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