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Slim POV

Me and Lily have been bonding like crazy. We do everything together and she tells me everything. One day she told me how she was so sad when i left and she thought i wasn't going to come back. That really broke my heart. So to make up for it I have been doing anything she wants to do and just spending quality time with her.

"Bree I need you." I yelled from our room. Her ass has been in the bathroom for the longest minute. She came walking in to the room all dressed and shit. I looked at her from head to toe and almost had a heart attack.

"Damn Bree, looking good as fuck, giving me heart problems and shit." I said pulling her on top of me. She got off and fixed her dress. Shit don't even look like a dress. More like a stretched out shirt. She put on her black red bottoms and grabbed her purse.

"Im going out with the girls. I will be back sometime tonight. Love you. Buh bye. She said quickly and kissed my cheek. I grabbed her arm before she could walk away from me.

"Bree I don't know where your going with your ass all out. Not out this house." I said. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. The attitude was not necessary at all.

"Slim, let go. I don't care what you think." she said. Bree is honestly starting to piss me off. The attitude and disrespect. She acts like I was not locked up for 7 years and dont wanna spend time with her. I was and I do but a fool can see she doesnt want the same. I let go of her and she walked out slamming the door. I sighed and rubbed my face. I heard the door open and looked over. Lily was there with her blanket and phone. I sat up and pat the spot next to me. She smiled and came to sit next to me.

"Dad, I am happy your back because bree is better now. When you where gone I was always either with one the aunties at night. I kind of didnt mind because there where always kids but sometimes I just wanted to be home." she said. I looked at her confused. She never told me this and it's pretty fucked up. I can't deal with Bree now.

"Why did she not keep you home?" I asked. She layed her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"She never really told me but I guess because of this guy that was always here in the morning when I got home. She said his name was Demarco or something like that. But it's what ever because he doesnt come over anymore. He always looked at me weirdly." She said. I swear to God Bree better have a good ass explaination.

Craig told me bout Mo and shit and that was just fucked up. I thought about Bree doing that but she never showed anything to make be believe so but to hear she had a random ass nigga in this house with Lily here is too much. All the girls are tripping for real. J and Day are the only perfect ass couple. Literally they be all smiling and shit. Bree better pray before she comes in to this room.

Lily ended up falling asleep and I put her in to her room. I quietly closed her door then walked downstairs to wait for Bree. I waited for a good 2 hours just watching tv till I heard keys and the door opened. In walked a drunk Bree at 3 am.

"What the fuck Breeana? You are drunk and coming home at this time?" I asked. She waved me off and stumbled up the stairs. When I heard our door close I walked up the stairs and went into our room. I heard her throwing up in the bathroom but thats what she gets. She took a shower then came out and changed in to sweats and a sports bra. She tried to get in to bed but i prevented her.

"What the hell Slim. I am not trying to fight right now. I am not feeling well and I want to sleep." She said. I just looked at her blankely. This is not the Bree that I want to have my children and eventually wife.

"Bree, who is Demarco?" I asked. I noticed her body tense up. She looked anywhere other than my face.

"He is a friend that I met a while ago." She said. I gave her a 'bullshit' look and she still didnt look at me.

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