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Ariela POV

I am so happy the guys are back. It has been like 2 weeks since they've been back and its so much fun. Everyone is just chillen together and catching up. Craig is so happy that he has a daughter now but feel like he failed as a father. i tried to let him know that it was alright but i can tell it still bothers him. i don't blame him because Quamir ain't making it better. OO I'm just waiting for him to say something so i can just shoot him. Ima pray on it.

Jerome is loving having his dad back. It's like he forgot he got a momma. Jaleny is still here for me though when she isn't being spoiled by her father. It is so cute to see Marcus being a dad and being with his kids. Every night he whispers in my ear about how he wants like 3 more kids. I'm just like nigga please. I am having NO more children.

"Momma, my girlfriend is coming over in like an hour so you and dad got to go." Jerome said coming into the kitchen interrupting me and Marcus's conversation. This boy honestly will not shut up about his little girlfriend. We met her and she is so cute. She got Jerome feeling like he is grown or some shit.

"Jerome, this is not your house. You just live here. I don't even understand how you got a girl. Do you know what to do with a girlfriend?" Marcus asked. I glared at Marcus because I knew where this conversation is going.

"Well first, I got a girl because my swag is just that sick. Second, when you got a girlfriend you go on dates, kiss and all that good stuff. Then you fall in love and get married and have kids." Jerome said then shrugged his shoulders. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Promise me you will never be as stupid as your daddy and get a girl pregnant before marriage. Oh yeah, and remind me to never leave you alone with papa P and Howard. Poisoning my child's mind and shit." I said letting him go. he nodded and walked into the back yard. I looked at Marcus and he was shaking his head.

"He is to grown. But babe i ain't stupid. I knew exactly what i was doing when i got your yellow ass pregnant. Love you girl." He said opening his arms out for me. I smiled and walked into his arms. He started squeezing the life out of me.

"Babe, do you remember when I was forced to live with you because we went to that club." I said laughing. its kinda funny when i think of it now.

"Yup. I remember. And you hated my guts. And I sprained your ankle." He said cracking up. I elbowed him in his chest. He let go out me and rubbed his chest.

"Bruh, you for real hurt me. Not funny." I said pointing my finger at him. He swatted my finger away and I just put it back. Then he bit it. I quickly pulled back. I mean mugged him and went to sit back in my seat.

"Babyyyyy, i miss Xavier. He was like my bigger me." I said pouting. I really did miss him. He is like never around.

"I thought that Jordan was your big you. But X moved to California. He doing big shit for your pops." He said. I rolled my eyes and sulked.

"Fuck that punk nigga. Couldn't tell a bitch he leaving. Fuck. Him." I said. Marcus was just there laughing. Then Jaleny came in and sat next to me.

"You shouldn't swear mom." She said. I looked at wondering how she heard anything.

"Anyways. Daddyyyyy" she said. That's how you know she wants something. Straining out the end of daddy. Marcus walked over to her.

"Yes princess." He said kissing her forehead. He is a bitch. Jaleny squirmed in her seat then sighed.

"Can i get a phone? Everyone has one in my class and its unfair." She said. I started choking on air. What the fuck is a 8 year old gonna do with a phone. She only in 3rd grade. Who does she need to talk to?

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