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Marcus POV

I woke up early to take the kids to school this morning. When I looked over to Ariela's side of the bed she still wasn't there but instead the promise ring was there. I expected her to come in to the room in the middle of the night but I guess not. I got out of bed and did my hygiene. I got out and looked in the mirror. Shit, I need a line up bad. I put on black trues, a gray tank, my black and red Jordan FLT Club 91's. I grabbed my keys and phone and jogged downstairs. The kids where already by the door waiting.

"About time." Jerome said looking up from his phone. I opened the door and they walked to the car. I made sure to pop Jerome on the back of his head when he walked out. I shut and locked the door and got in to the car.

"Dad, don't forget the parent teachers confrence tonight. Make sure you're there." Jaleny said. I nodded and told her I will be there. Jerome sucked his teeth and looked at Jaleny.

"JJ why do you got to open up your mouth about that mann. I thought we made a deal and you just broke it. That's not fare." He scolded Jalenly. I smacked him in the back of his head and he turned around and sat straight.

"Stop it Jerome. I want him to see how good im doing actually." She said smiling. I put my hand to the back seat for a high five. That's my baby girl. I remember parent teacher confrences. Well, I remember the beating that my momma gave me more than the actual confrences.

"Pops, Jaleny thinks that she is grown now though. She has a boyfriend. I personally do not approve of this but you know how hard headed she is." Jerome said shaking his head. I started to choke on air at what I just heard. These kids are to little to be doing all of this shit. They are only like 12. (I decided to change the age even though it doesn't go with the years. I just feel more comfortable with them being older.)

"Oh here we go. We are here. See you later daddy. Love you." She said quickly then got out the car when I came to a stop. I waved goodbye then drove off. I blame their mother and Paul. I pulled out of there school and head home. I don't want to but I have to.

When I got home, Paul's car was parked in the garage where I park my car. I settled with just parking outside. I heard laughter from the back yard and went over there. Illiana and Ariela are talking and sitting by the pool.

"Hey pregnant lady." I said to Illiana. She mugged me and threw a baseball that was close to her. That shit hurt. Ion like other pregnant people and their damn hormones.

"Come here Marcus. Let's talk." She said patting the floor next to her. I sighed and brought a chair over there and sat down looking at the two woman.

"Now Marcus, I understand that you and Ari are not on the best terms right now but I think that you two should talk this out. Right here. Right now. I will gladly mediate." She said with a smile. I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"Well I guess I will start. I just want to know why you are so damn mad. Like I took a couple of picture which is part of my job and all hell breaks loose. Then I just go out and have fun for once with the girls and I am not marriage material anymore." Ariela said. I looked at her like she is stupid. Why must I repeat myself everytime.

"You just fucking explained the shit Mary. Hell yah I am going to be mad if my babymama is going to take a certain type of picture without my concent. And then you already know your not in good graces and you throw a vase at me and break my phone just because you're mad. On top of that you go out and get drunk all night long. Hell yah I am mad as fuck. You have no respect for me or yourself. This is what I have been trying to tell you. I never said you weren't wife material. I said with the way you act I am starting not to want to wife you anytime soon. I am really starting to feel like a broken record right now and I am not going to repeat myself again." I said. I could feel my face getting red from my anger. She just sat there blank faced for a while.

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