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Ariela POV

All these damn people got me going crazy. Good thing the kids are at school then do shit after because I can't deal. I keep thinking about me being "pregnant" and it's a good thing and bad thing. It's good because I kind of want another child but it's bad because I got so much stuff going on and plus having to focus on a child. I am just going to pray for whatever. Jesus take the wheel.

"Y'all just keep cheating. It's so unfair." I screamed throwing the game controller on to the couch. They started laughing and pinching my cheeks.

"Don't be mad. It's ok to loose sometimes. At least your loosing to a fine ass nigga." One of the guys, Randell said. I sucked my teeth and moved away from him. The doorbell rang and looked around the room. They all just sat there playing a game.

"Oh yah sure. I will get it." I said sarcastically. I got up and walked to the door. The person rang the bell again.

"Damn, ring it again and I won't open." I yelled. I opened the door and there stood a nice looking Nathaniel. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Wassup? Why you here?" I asked letting him inside. He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I turned my head and looked at him .

"I just wanted to see you." He said. I laughed and playfully hit his chest. I pulled back and stood in front of him.

"Well you could have called before. I got these guest here for like a month and Marcus is here. Maybe later?" I asked. He chuckled and pulled me to him again.

"What time later?" He asked. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. It's 2 right now so.

"Like 5 I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. He nodded and smiled.

"Alright then. Bye." I said. He let me go and kissed my cheek.

"Bye love." He said walking out the door. I waved and closed the door. I leaned on the door and sighed. Marcus came out the room and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Who was at the door?" He asked kissed my neck. I giggled because it tickled.

"Nathaniel. He wanted to chill but I told later. Like 5." I said. He lifted his head from my neck and looked at me side ways. I smiled and patted his stomach.

"Alright Ariela." He said then walked back in to the room. I followed him and sat next to Xavier.

"You smeel like cologne fyi." He said in my ear. I nodded and left the room. I went to take a shower and change in to something that can make me fall asleep. I just put on one of Marcus's sweaters that are like a dress on me. I made sure it's one he likes so it can smell like him. I went back in to the game room and Marcus arched his eyebrow at me. I shrugged and sat next to him.

"Why you got to wear one of my best sweaters?" He asked tugging at his sweater. I smacked his hand away and got comfortable.

"Because I love you. And you love me enough to wear it." I said kissing him. He laughed and nodded. I cuddled up to him and ended up falling asleep.

~2 Hours Later~

I woke up and the game room was empty and neat. Thats good. I heard loud laughter and talking. Why does everyone find the need to be all up in my damn house. I got up and walked out the room. I went in to the kitchen and all the guys where there. ALL of them and the girls too. Even though there is laughter there is tension.

"Well thanks for waking me up bitches. Loud and shit. Uhh uhhh. Oh no no no no no. I know I don't see food going in to y'all mouth. I JUST went grocery shopping." I said. I groaned and walked out the room. I went upstairs to my room and changed in to some leggings and a long blue blouse. Ima just tell Nathaniel to reschedule or come over and chill with the fam. I went back downstairs and I could not believe who I saw standing in my kitchen.

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