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Ariela Pov

Me and Marcus are finally doing better. I'm so happy. We actually had sex last night. Finally. I missed him like crazy. My dad chilled out a little and Craig is just Craig. I swear everytime I go over his house there is another hoe there. One of these days he gone catch something and I am going to laugh. Everytime I see Mo she ask if he has moved on and I always tell her no. It is kind of a lie and truth. He has moved on sexually but not mentally. This is just a phase that he will get out of.

"Marcus! Hurry and get dressed. My abuelos are going to be here any minute." I yelled. This nigga has been in his closet for a good 30 minutes finding something to wear. He is so nervous that it is hilarious. I am already dressed wearing a peach maxi dress, black sandals, a black bandana wrappd around my straight hair, and my M&A necklace. I havent worn this necklace in forever. Marcus finally came out in camo cargo shorts, a last kings tank, and his black vans.

"Awww you look pretty. It only took half my life but it's alright." I said laughing. He faked a laugh and walk out the room. I followed him downstairs and my grandparents where just chillen. My abuela was yelling in spanish through her phone and my abuelo had his legs up on my coffee table smoking a blunt.

"Mhmmm. No knocking or nothing." I said rolling my eyes. My abuelo got up and gave me a bear hug. My abuela got up and gave me a hug too.

"Well, you keep your door open and people will just walk in." She said. She let go of me and then looked at Marcus up and down. He looked nervous as fuck.

"Soo your the man that be killing my daughters vibe." My abuela said. Marcus smiled and my grandmother started taking off her hoops. I stood in front of her and shook my head. She is to turnt.

"Get your wife." I told my grandfather. He started laughing and just sat down. I mugged him and my grandmother eventually went to take a seat.

"It's nice to meet you. Expecially you Mr.Lopez. I have grown up hearing alot about you." He said shaking my abuelo's hand. My grandfather is a legend but he gave his empire over to my father when he wanted to just chill with my abuela. Marcus sat down and I sat next to him.

"So when are y'all giving me more grandchildren?" My grandmother asked. I started coughing hard and Marcus just laughed.

"Just wait 9 months then you will have another." He said. I looked at him and smacked his head.

"No. I am not pregnant and won't be for a long time." I said. My abuela laughed and shook her head.

"Do you really think I wanted you father? Don't get me wrong I love him more than I even love your grandfather. But you honey have no decision in when you get pregnant. Unless you on birth control or something which you aint. You not smart enough for that. But it depend on your mann. He is the one busting a nut in your ass." She said. My eyes went wide and my grandfather and Marcus where just dying. She is right though. I am not on any birth control. I talked with her for a little and Marcus was in deap conversation with my grandfather. I looked at the time and almost had a heart attack. Day was coming to pick me up in 5 minutes.

"Babe, I have to go." I whispered in Marcus's ear so only him can hear. I hate being late for stuff. The kids came running downstairs and they ran straight to their grandparents. I smiled and went upstairs. I changed in to a plain white crop top, boyfriend jeans, white converse, a sleeveless jean jacket and a white beanie on my head. When I got down the kids where waiting for me. Jaleny was wearing a light pink blouse tied in the front, ripped jeans, her pink and gray Retro 5's and a white beanie on her head just like me. Jerome was wearing camo skinny pants, a white holister shirt, his Concords. Aww my babies be looking cute.

Crooked SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora