A New Face

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I ducked down as a body came flying in my direction. The sound of a dull thud caught my ears signaling that the person had landed on their feet. Quickly turning around, I threw a punch and the enemy's face catching him off guard before he balance himself. He stumbled back against the wall.

"You bitch!" He shouted pushing himself off the wall before running at me.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I teased just before moving out of the way of his foot, aimed at my head.

"I used to kiss you with this mouth but since you decided to play whore with that mutt, I'll have to purify your body again." He licked his lips, eyeing me.

"You insult my mate, sweet heart, my mate whom I was with before you." A smile crossed my lips, "The one I left you to go back to."

"If I cannot have you, neither can he. I will kill you while he watches before killing him." Ashton hissed baring bright yellow fangs from behind blood red lips and skin for that matter.

He was ugly. The handsome face that I once knew was gone, morphed into the hideous features of a incubus. from my limited knowledge of them, I knew there were different kinds of incubus. Ones as hideous as Ashton, were the ones many hoped not to meet. Ever. On top of them being incubi, they took what they wanted forcefully. Unlike the ones we mostly hear about that seduce you and make sweet love to you in your dreams. These dark disfigured mixes between ram, bat, and human, took what they wanted an made sure you were aware of every moment of it. No hormones released to make you completely relaxed, no preparations. They were truly monsters and they were also supposed to be extinct.

"Your kind should no longer exist. I will make sure that I set and example with you for all the others hiding in the shadows." I hissed feeling my nails harden and elongate into sharp claws.

"I love it when you get all dominant with me, it makes me want you even more." He hissed showing off his stained teeth.

"There are certain things incubui don't do, like kidnapping for one, or even falling in love, at least not your kind. So, why are you so hell bent on having me?" I flexed my fingers as we circled each other.

"I am half human after all. Of course I would develop those stupid feelings of love, but you abandoned us and went back to him. I made an exception for being with a werewolf. Hiding my true self from you so you wouldn't doubt my love." He laughed a horrible almost gurgling sound.

"The fact that you hid yourself from me was not love. It was lying. Had you told me what you were, things would have been different. Now look at you." I glared. "You're going to die, because you tried to kill me and bring an innocent child into this."

"Well, I want going to wait for you to have the thing now was I?" Ashton replied sarcastically.

"My child is not a thing!" I shouted before lunging at him, claws ready to tear him to pieces.

**********2 weeks before

Three full months into my pregnancy, and I was feeling good. Aside from the throwing up every now and again, pregnancy was great. I also learned that that whole your glowing compliment is just the glow of light bouncing off my fattening face. Of course Gavin h ad to make a joke about it, calling my names like chubby bunny or 'his little hamster.' The further into the pregnancy I got the more Gavin would worry and hover around me. Even in the bathroom he would keep and eye on me to make sure I don't accidentally hurt myself. It's infuriating.

"Babe, don't you think that you've showered long enough, the baby might be cooking in there." Gavin entered the bathroom without knocking, before pulling back to the shower door enough to peak his head in.

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