A Mirror To See

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"Shelly!" I shouted after leaving our bedroom to see that she was gone. "Shelly, where are you?"

"Dude, why the shouting?" Julius met me at the foot of the stairs, "Shelly is upstairs sleeping."

"Not, she's not, I just went in there, there's another scent in there, and very faint but it's not wolf it's demon like." I paused, thinking for a moment, "What happened before she came up here?"

I listened as Julius explained every detail of the encounter before my mate disappeared. The only person that could have taken her was Ashton, but how, how did he get in to the third story window, and how did he get her with a fight if any? I questioned before I decide to call my brother's mate to see what she knew about him.

"I need to speak with your mate," I spoke as soon as Atesh picked up.

"Hello, to you two brother," He replied before handing the phone to Nivea.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Shelly is missing, Ashton has been calling her for a few weeks before he showed up today and now she's missing, do you know where he lives, likes to go, anything?" I questioned.

"Yes, his house is a twenty minute drive from the bookstore," She informed before continuing to give me the address, "Make sure to keep me posted."

"Sure thing, thanks," With that we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I looked at the piece of paper with the information I wrote down before stuffing it in my pocket then stood up from the stairs and heading toward the living room. Julius, Jordan, Kostya, and Andre were waiting for their next command.

"Boys, we're going to New York." With that said, they moved to get ready for our trip.

"Father, it looks like you'll have to come out of retirement for a while."

I spoke through our mind link.


The familiar demanding voice answered.

"My mate is missing, and I know it has something to do with her ex showing up minutes before her disappearance."

I replied impatiently making my way up to my bedroom.

"One rule as an Alpha, is not only should you know the where a bouts of the pack, but most importantly where your mate, the Luna is, she is a valu-"

My father began to scold me.

"Yes, father I know, now will you do it or not?"

I huffed grabbing a duffel bag and throwing random clothes inside.

"Fine, do not let it happen again, I am retired I-"

I cut off the connection as he began to rant.

Once my bag was packed and I was ready, I went downstairs where the guys were now entering the living room with their bags. Kostya and Andre were talking on the phone probably setting everything up so I waited until they were finished to speak.

"Okay, Nivea gave us permission to crash at their place for as long as we need." Kostya hung up before stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"And the private jet is ready to go." Andre spoke next.

"Great, we leave now, so you should go kiss your mates goodbye, because we might be gone for a while." I replied picking up my bag.

"Already taken care of," Jordan and Andre answered in unison as we all gathered our things and headed out to the truck.

To Trust A Mate (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant