A Long Travel

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Once we came back from our all out play it was near noon. The teens had gone to work and many of the adults were working around in town. We went straight to the kitchen where the woman from last night was in the kitchen with a couple of other females. I walked ahead fixing my hair and the simple sundress that was buried inside of of the many trees, while Gavin trailed behind me in cut off jeans shorts. The women stopped talking a bowed at our entrance. We greeted them back with slight nods and headed to the fridge for something to drink and eat. They continued their conversation about men and what not while we made ourselves some sandwiches. I noticed that the one from last night kept watching Gavin as he worked. She licked her lips as she eyed the deep muscular v of his hips and the two deep dimples in his lower back.

I think we may need to go for another round." I muttered to him as I looked up at him while tracing the dimples of his lower back.

"Oh really?" He leaned in and kissed my lips as while he kept his hands occupied with our lunch.

"Yes, indeed," My tracing finders went from the pads of my fingers to my nails lightly scraping from his lower back around to the side of his hip.

I watched as his little pride jumped to attention as he calmly looked over at me. I smiled mischievously and did it again receiving the same result. Gavin leaned in and kissed me again this time biting my bottom lip. He pulled away as he picked up the plates and headed toward the exit. I quickly grabbed the cups. I nodded to the ladies on the way out, smirking at the one who dared to flirt with him. I had forgotten they were even there since they had lowered their talking. She glared annoyed before turning her attention to nothing in general.

Upstairs we sat in the little lounge area of the bedroom watching a horror movie. Our plates and cups were laying abandoned on the coffee table as sat in Gavin's lap hiding my face in his chest. He thought I was afraid of what was happening in the movie but in actuality I was enjoying the feel of his arms around me. I wanted to enjoy the security his arms brought me. I liked the feeling of being safe an untouchable in his arms. I leaned up to kiss his neck, he shuddered beneath me.

"Don't start something you can't finish, my love." He groaned out in French as I continued to kiss his jaw the back down to his neck.

"I know exactly how to finish any and everything I start, and if I don't then the challenge is all the more fun." I replied in English.

"I like this wildness from you, I've missed this." Gavin growled as he lightly placed his hand over my throat caressing the soft skin as he trailed his nose along my jaw.

There was knocked on the door interrupting the lovely mood we were having. With a sigh I sat up and let Gavin answer the door. Julius walked on with a smug look on his face before he looked at the TV.

"You two are weird, who gets turned on by a horror movie? Freaks." He teased as he looked back at us.

"Oh shut your face, what's going on?" I asked curiously.

"We have a few new families here that is looking for a place to stay forever, their pack was destroyed by a pack of about twelve rogues. The families have been traveling for a few days, they came up from Virginia." Julius informed.

"From Virginia to Creteil, that's a bit of a trip no?" Gavin asked as I stood up and walked over to where they stood at the door.

"It is strange but also smart, maybe they are from an allied pack and hoped we would take them in, let's not keep them waiting any longer." I said resting my hand on Gavin's shoulder as I looked between him and Julius.

"They are in the living room, the others are down stairs watching them." Julius informed again.

"Alright let's go." I walked ahead of them and we quickly made our way to the living room where three sets of families sat around waiting for us.

To Trust A Mate (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن