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Six full months passed and I was yet to be pupped. For six months straight, both Gavin and I ate properly, stayed away from stressing things, and even went to see that pack doctor. I kept myself occupied by looking after the pack children or reading or even cooking, but today I decided to spend some time alone. I shifted in to my wolf and went for a short run before relaxing under the shade of a tree in the heated weather we were having.

"Such worrying is not good for the pup." My wolf scolded me.

"What pup, I'm not pregnant, Marie." I mentally shrugged as I looked around my mildly quiet surrounding.

"But when you are you will hurt our pup with your insistent worry and stress." Marie continued to scold me like a mother.

"Maybe we aren't meant to be a mother, it's sad to think about but I guess things happen for a reason." I sighed mentally before stretching as I rose from my position.

"You don't really think that do you?" Alarms went off as the new voice entered my mind causing me to jump and face the new comer.

"Gavin, don't sneak up on me like that!" I glared at him as stood there in his wolf form watching me.

"Answer me." Gavin growled at me taking a step toward me.

"You're getting upset over the fact that I stated something that could be true?" I replied holding my ground.

"Why do you give up on us so quickly?" He asked, his anger dimming a little.

"We've been trying for three months, something isn't right, we're both healthy and capable of getting me pregnant but it's not happening." I pointed out before turning my back on him; wrong move.

"Don't turn your back on me, you know I hate when you do that." Gavin growled as his teeth gripped my neck.

"Yet, you never stop turning your back on me." I bit his front right leg before shifting back as he let me go.

Shifting back to my human skin, I headed toward a tree stump that we turned in to a chest and pulled a long summer dress from the mix of clothes. I slid the dress on over my head just as Gavin pulled out a pair of shorts while continuing to talk to me. I tried to walk away before he could finish but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"You know this right here has to stop, you can't keep bringing up the past whenever we get in to an argument, I thought we were trying to move foreword!" I yanked my arm from his grip and glared at him.

"How can we mover foreword when there are no more stones to step across this river?" He looked at me for a moment before his anger began to fade in to remorse, sadness, torture.

"Aw, baby, I know, I know, but this isn't your fault and it isn't mine, we can't blame this on anyone. Maybe now isn't the time for us, we have years to have pups," Gavin pulled me to him tucking my head under his chin and he held me close to him while tears spilled from my eyes.

"I want this, we want this, why can't we have the one thing that could really help us?" I sobbed against him beating my fist against his chest pitifully.

"Maybe we're supposed to fix ourselves before we bring a pup in to the picture." Gavin reasoned as he rubbed my back comforting me.

"When did you become Mr. Positive?" I looked up at him sniffling and wiping tears from my eyes.

"I just know that when you need me, I have to be your batman." Gavin kissed my forehead before smiling down at me.

"Why batman, out of all superheroes?" I muttered as my sobs calmed.

To Trust A Mate (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora