Chapter 22

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"Flight 234 to Los Angeles California is now boarding" the lady from the airport says. Me, nana and Jasper are leaving to LA today. We woke up pretty early it's about 6am, nana had two coffees and she's pretty awaken. I don't know if that's healthy for her, but nana knows what she's doing.

"Let's go" nana says pulling me up from the chair of the waiting room.

"Coming nana" is ay grabbing my bag. Jasper gets up and holds my hand, we wait in line to give our tickets to be scanned. We finally make into the airplane and we start looking for our seats, now the Cullen's have money so they got us first class tickets. Which I thank them a lot because it's more comfortable.

"Here's our seats" Jasper says, were on the right side of the plane and there's three seats. Nana goes first which she's next to the window, then me in the middle, and finally Jasper on the edge. I put my bag down and get comfortable on the seat.

"This feels so amazing" I say, Jasper chuckles.

"I'm guessing you've haven't been in a first class area" Jasper says.

"No, I'm gonna enjoy this 2 hours" I say. I wouldn't been nice to be in first class when we went to Italy , but I really don't complain.

"Hello welcome to flight 234, our destination is from Seattle Washington, to Los Angeles California. Well arrive in two hours and 10 minutes. Please remain in your seats till further notice and enjoy your flight" the flight attendant says, we soon start to feel the plane to start moving.

"Well I'm going to sleep" nana says, I turn around and she's knocked out sleeping. I turn to Jasper and he has he's eyes closed, I put my chair back in a more laying position as nana and Jasper have it. I hold Jasper hand and lay close to him event though he's not sleeping ,I fall asleep quickly


"Babe, wake up" I hear someone say, I slowly open my eyes to see Jasper and nana.

"We're here sweetie" nana says, I get up quickly and grab my bag. We walk out the plain and into the airport. I look outside the window and it's really cloudy.

"Alice was right" I tell Jasper.

"I knew it" he says back.

"Now were  can your parent be?" Nana says. I pull out my phone and dial my moms number.

"Mom" I say as soon as someone picks it up.

"Honey, hey" she says.

"Were are you guys? We just got off the plain" I say.

"We're running a little bit late, but we will be there in about 15 minutes" she says, like always late.

"Okay" is all I says and hang up. Jasper calms me down just in case I start to feel mad, which I kinda am.

"What she say?" Nana says.

"There late, and they will be here in about 15 minutes " I say, nana gives me a 'you gotta be kidding me' look.

"Only your parents" she says. We go and get our suitcases, which we find easily. We then go outside and sit on the side waiting for my parents.

"You'll think it will rain?" Says nana looking up at the sky.

"Probably" I say.

"Shot, I wanted to go to the beach" she says.

"Sorry nana, maybe next time we come" I say.

"Maybe" she says in a sad tone

"Violet!" I hear someone say, Jasper hold me. I'm guessing he's being protective. I turn to see my mother. Her brown hair with blond highlights, hasn't changed a bit, her tan skin what makes people question if She's my real mom. I missed my mom. I get up and hug her.

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