Chapter 5

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woke up scared but determined to confront jasper about what he is. Im in the school parking lot waiting for him to get here.
I see him and the other cullens pull up and park in their normal parking space. I look at him and walk nervously towards them

"Can i talk to you " i say whispering to him, he nods and i walk towards the woods next to the school. I walk a little more into the woods so no one can see us . I reach the right place and don't look behind me, i shake a little.

"Your fast and strong and a weird unhuman way, your skin is pale and iced-cold ,your eyes change color a lot and you dont eat or drink anything" i say really nervously

"How old are you?" I ask

"18" he response

"How old have you been 18?, are you even human?" I ask.

"A while" he says, ignoring my other question even though I know that he's not.My breath gets a little quicker but i try to breath normally.

"I know what you are dude " i say

"Say it" he demands

"Vampire " i finally say.

"Are you scared ? " hes southern accent asked

"No" i turn around and look at him straight in the eye.

"Why not ,You should be, I mean ask me the most basic question ever, what do we drink?"he says

"B-blood but you won't hurt me, i know" i say not really sure if he is or not. He suddenly grabs me by my wrist.
"What the hell,Where are you taking me?"I asked a little bit scared.

"Up the mountains were the sunlight shows" he then pulls me on his back

"Why!"I say but I scream it instead, we started wgoing super fast, its amazing, tress are passing like if there almost not there at all.

He stops and drops me off, I look up and see a small section of sunlight coming through the trees, he steps on it and un bottons his shirt. Wow hes skin is sparkling like crazy, and he also has abs!

"This is why we dont show ourselves in the sunlight, people will obviously know" he says,

"Your beautiful like extremely " i say not lying to him,  even with out him sparkling his incredible beautiful.

"No your wrong ,This is the body of a killer"he says  while buttoning up his shirt and walking another direction, of course i follow.

"Im a monster, something everyone's afraid of " he says in disgust

"I'm not afraid and I know , and you are not a monster" i say.

"Its because you belive a lie ,its camouflage, im the worlds most dangerous killer, Everything about me invites you in, Everything, my face ,my smell" which is true.

He jumps up a small cliff above me,Then jumps off and runs a different direction, then suddenly aperring infront of me. That was cool. I need to be serious.

"Ive killed people before Violet" he says, Something about it made me not care, im not afraid of him, which is not normal but I believe he is no harm.

" I don't care honestly" i say

"What if I wanted to kill you" he says, shit just got real.

"You won't do anything "I say stepping closer, but then stepping back.

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