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I groaned at the pain from my arm. I'm one of the messy sleepers. Last night I probably moved to much around and bent my arm. Ouch, it really did hurt.

I lifted it up slowly and grimaced at the pain.

"Goddamnit," I huffed. My eyes opened wide and I looked around and remembered I wasn't at home. My mother would not come at me for that one. I'm safe here.

Oh the irony.

I took in the room and noticed it wasn't bad, it looked comfy enough. There weren't any photos on the wall or anything that gave a sign that someone lived here permanently. Did she and the other people in here go from place to place?

It must be nice, not to be tied down in a house, to travel whenever you please, like a bird. Birds were free.

I turned to face the fancy looking digital clock to my right where it was set on a coffee table. 4:13 pm. WHAT? I slept through breakfast and lunch. Great.

At the mention of breakfast and lunch my stomach immediately growled. And I sighed before yelling.




"Person who abducted me!"



I regretted yelling too much because I was immediately in need of water. Fast footsteps made it's way up the stairs and the door flew wide open to reveal green eyes with a frantic look on her face, I am yet again blown away by her beauty.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked frantically as she moved towards the bed and crouched to be level with me.

"I'm hungry," I smiled sheepishly and it was just the perfect timing for my stomach to rumble loudly causing her to look at me amused. Oh god.

"Right, I went to bring you food twice but you were still asleep."

I nodded and she told me to wait and that she'd be right back. There wasn't food left so she said she'd buy takeout. For a kidnapper she was really considerate and nice.......and very attractive.

I got bored so I counted down the seconds for each minute to pass by and move on to the next. I kinda missed Shawn, he was probably worried sick about me. He's always been my friend first after all. And if anything I wish this would serve as his escape from our marriage. At least something good would come out of my sudden disappearance. We didn't love each other, that's not how the bond goes.

Where was green eyes? An hour has passed and she wasn't back yet. I've never been so hungry my entire life, I've never starved. Food was always served to me so it was never a problem.

I heard loud noises from downstairs. Finally, she must be back from her long trip to buy takeout. I grew confused the moment I heard deep voices but one of them I recognized to be the girl that green eyes was with when I was first brought here. But none were hers.

My head snapped to my left where I could hear something tapping the window. Soon I realized little stones were being thrown against them...what the?

It couldn't be her. She wouldn't be that stupid to throw rocks on the window to get my attention when she knew I couldn't get there. After all she was the one who cuffed me to the bed.

The throwing stopped and I sighed in relief. Who did that? Just as I was about to throw my head back down to the pillow, a brunette appeared at my window and I gasped getting ready to scream but she looked me dead in the eye that told me not to or else...

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