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After what felt like an eternity the vehicle finally came to a halt. My bum was already numb from staying in the same position for a long time. I couldn't move anyway, my hands and feet were tied, and I had no idea where I was. When I woke up I was already blindfolded.

I asked questions, many questions. But none were answered.

I heard the door of the vehicle open and it was closed with so much force that I jumped a little. I bit my lip in anticipation and soon I was being dragged outside, my mother would never approve.

But there was no worrying about my parents anymore, they probably didn't know where I was. They probably thought I was cuddling up with Shawn or doing something that'd please them. I'm suffering now and when I do things for them I always feel like I'm suffering too, so what's the difference?

I stomped hard on the ground forcing all my weight down but there was no use, the person was much stronger because when they pulled me forwards I collapsed into them. I gulped, my lips felt...skin. I bobbed my head up and felt the top hit their chin indicating that my lips were on their neck.

I'm kind of glad the blindfold was kind of big that it covered almost all of my face. Because of it I'm sure they wouldn't be able to see my face flush red.

They took my arm and I sighed in defeat, following them to whichever direction they took me. After a few moments I no longer felt the cool breeze, am I indoors already?

There were voices, talking, but they were hushed. And I strained my ears to get a clear shot on their conversation but there was no use.

We stopped moving and I felt myself being pushed down a chair. The tight grip on my arms went loose and I sighed in relief, it'd probably bruise but that wouldn't matter. It's not like I'd get to see the nasty colors embedded on my skin with my eyes being covered. Soon my arms were back to being restrained but now it was hooked to the sides of the chair.

I licked my lips dry and swallowed preparing myself to talk and hope for the 100th time that they'd answer me.

"Where am I?"

No answer.

"Why did you take me here?"

No answer.

"What do you want from me?"

No answer.

I huffed in frustration, I don't like being ignored. It's the worst feeling ever and the fact that it's happening to me right now especially after being treated like dirt since I woke up really riled me up.

"Will you stop ignoring me?!"

My face felt hot and I bit my lip to stop myself from saying anything else stupid that I'm sure would get me in trouble later. The hushed voices from the outside died down and the only thing that could be heard was my ragged breathing.

I felt someone else's presence in front of me. I gripped the arms of the chair tight and prepared myself for the worst.

"You won't be ignored if you stop talking, so shut up."

My eyes widened in surprise, all this time I thought my kidnapper was a man? Turn out he was a she.

"You're a girl?" I asked dumbly.

She chuckled, her voice so husky, so raspy, and for some reason my body responded to the sound by producing goosebumps and I hoped to god she wouldn't notice them because that'd be very weird.

"I certainly don't have a penis"

I bit my lip and looked down. At least she has a good sense of humor. How boring would that be if your kidnapper was serious all the time? But really it wouldn't matter if in the end you'll end up dead anyway.

Dead? No...I don't want to die, not yet.

"Are...are you going to kill me?" My voice was shaky and it couldn't have been loud enough for her to hear.

I felt her move closer to my face because her body was the only thing that radiated heat in this cold room.

"We'll see," She whispered, her breath hitting my lips and it smelt like mint. I hated myself for gasping due to our close proximity, I don't want to act like every single thing she does affects me. I don't want her to have the upper hand.

"My parents will look for me...Shawn too," I replied trying to put an effort to scare her. "You'll be imprisoned or maybe they'll kill you!"

"Enough!" She slammed her hands on chair and my body shook with so much fear. I was scared then, of what was going to happen to me but now I was absolutely terrified.

"Your parents aren't all that," She spat. Her voice was laced with so much hate and disgust and I wondered what my parents have done to her for her to talk about them in such way.

It was the last thing I heard before I felt her body move away from me, and some part of me missed her warmth but I shook it off.

She didn't come back until hours later and I assumed it was already morning but I'm not entirely sure. The blindfold she used on me is pretty thick.

"I brought you food," Her voice was scratchy, she sounded like she'd been crying. But I decided not to ask, she's probably just going to tell me to mind my own business. She seemed like the type to.

I stayed still and for a moment I didn't hear any movement.

"I can't eat, with uh, the blindfold on"

I leaped inside because I'd finally be able to see something else other than darkness. It was only logical that she'd take them off, how else was I going to eat?

The world had other plans for me though because my blindfold wasn't taken off. Instead, I felt a spoon being pressed against my lips. She was going to feed me.

I turned my head to the side and the spoon no longer touched my lips but the skin of my cheek.

"It's either this or nothing at all," I furrowed my brows because this was just so unfair. In the 18 years of my existence I had to listen to whatever my parents said and now that I was away from them I am STILL not able to do things that I want to. "Your choice."

I huffed and decided to eat because I haven't eaten anything since yesterday during breakfast. I only got to drink wine last night because I conversed with others 90% of the time and the other 10% I was stuck in a car tied down with no idea where I was being taken.

Once I finished I assumed she was going to go because I heard her footsteps getting farther.

"Wait," I said before my brain could think it through and her steps halted. "Could you please get me some water?"

She told me okay and I hated myself because I knew that I didn't really need water. I could go on without it for a couple of hours more, I just didn't want her to leave just yet. I wanted her to come back.

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