Chapter28-spin the bottle, spin the bottle

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Jack sighed, drawing his attention from him to me. "Look, there was a rumor, saying that Hans used some way to develop a food chain system at school."

"People at school is basically divided into three parts. The nerd, the normal and the popular." Flynn added, taking his last bite of pizza.

"That is what we have at every school?" Punzie questioned.

"Yes. But what is difference is that, they are not allowed to talk to people not in their so-called class. Otherwise, severe punishment."

That was so cruel, yet so familiar...

It happened.

It happened before.

It happened in my middle school.

That was Tiana's little game.

Hans was only her puppet. She was behind this.

And I have never left her little game. No one could actually quit her game without physical and mental abuse.

And here, we started over the gane again. But what does she want this time?

"Hey Els. What's wrong?" Kristoff asked concernly. Everyone's attention on me. Oh life.


I ducked down my head, pretending that was nothing serious.

No one tried to push me further and make me talk about it. They shrugged it off. That's why they were the best friends I could ever ask for.

Except Jack.

He suddenly wrapped my hand around his fingers and pulled me to leave the canteen, which there was fewer people.

"Snow queen" He left out a sigh-his breath was so minty fresh that made me feel so alive all sudden.

"You were a really bad liar out there." Jack whispered to my ears, pulling me closer to him.

"I dont want to force you to talk about your past, but you have to tell me, sooner or later. We are going to be together rest of out life. There is no reason that you try to hide from us.

A look of concern an serious appeared on his face. I nodded obediently. That feeling made my heart warmed like summer.

He added, " but look if you still need time to think about it then thats okay cause I dont wanna force you to do something you dont want and I--"


He was still mumbling to himself, non-stop.


He realized finally.





"What do you mean?"

" We can talk about it."

I was never those girl with high self-eestem or confident. Instead, I was very insecure. I never like telling people about myself. I am afraid, afraid they will spread rumors, like what Tiana did. But most important of all, I didnt trust people.

But this time it was Jack.

Maybe, maybe it is the time I should open up.

I think I am ready about that.

I took a real deep breath. And I started the reveal the truth, the truth that no one ever know about it.

Tiana was my middle school classmate." I started off. "You may think we were not buddy-buddy since the first day, like all other teen movies, but it wasnt. She wasn't mean to me at all. Instead, we were friends, very best friend." I scoffed.

"We walked everywhere, did everything together. She was definitely confident and sometimes, aggresive to other people. But she deep inside was good. I could sense that."

Jack nodded, giving me support to carry on. It was funny that how brave I was, that I opened up and explain.

"Punzie and I went to the same middle school when we were younger, and Merida was the transformer. Punzie moved away from a period of time due to her mother's work, which things happened, well, shit happened." I buried my face to my hands.

I never want to talk about it. Nightmares about this was always in my head. Every night I feel like I just wake up from the nightmares to the hell.

"Hey.. it's okay..we can talk another time if you dont feel comfortable.." Jack pulled my head to his hard yet warm chest.

Being the weak one is never in my dictionary. But being wrapped around by him was something different. It was like something I needed endlessly.

"No." I pushed his chest away a little, so we were now staring at each other.
"I have to tell you. You deserve to know." I smiled weakly to him.

"Tiana's boyfriend never truly loved her. He only be with her 'cause of her money-basically he was a man-whore with perfect hair. People used to tell me love is blind, and yes, it was. Everyone could see it, except her.

He used the "power" from Tiana to take away every girls' virginity. No one dare to speak up and no one dare to fight back. And as for me, I tried my best to hide away from him, but I failed at last.

Anna and I needed money for school, but we barely had money to live. Tiana's boyfriend knew that, and he decided to "help". He offered me money for school if I.. I.."

"If you fuck him." He finished my sentence. "So you did? Just because of those money? Elsa why are so stu--"

"No I didn't. Not exactly."

He blinked, twice.

"Come again?"

"I am not stupid, Jack." I chuckled a little, then I scoffes, "I refused, but is it mean he would stop it?  Spin the bottle, spin the bottle, seems like I didnt have much luck. We, you know, we.."

"Did the nasty." He mumbled, finishing my sentence again. I nodded slightly. My blood rushed to my veins. I want to bury myself six feet under. I felt so dirty..

Jack noticed my expression, and he hugged me even tighter. He placed a kiss on my hairline, chasing down to my heated face. Then he flashed me a smile.

"It doesnt matter, snow queen. Your past might be a mess, but my life without you is a mess too. Mark my words- never leave me, so I can give you all I have got." He mumbled, playing with my hair.

"And there's one last thing I wanna ask you.."

"Yea?" I muttered while lying on his chest.

"What's the guy's name?"

"Tiana's ex?"



"Do you have any pick up lines to cheer me up?" I teased, petting his face.

"Eh I had a pick up line but, your beautiful eyes keep interupting me." He then gently placed a kiss on my cheeks.

This boy, I fell for him hard, real hard.

I wish, I wish we could be together forever and after.


I am having lots of tests and totally stressed out these day, so I barely have time to write the story.

2245 words wow..

I haven't reread or edit yet, so please ignore the typo and grammatic mistakes.

Do you guys prefer I update story at weekend or week-day?

Q. Do you think this is the whole truth of Elsa's secret? :)
Comment below!!

See ya xoxo

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