Chapter32- I'm supposed to be her knight in shining armor!

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Elsa POV
The sun peeked in my bedroom window, lighting my hair like a fiery halo. I lifted my head from the pillow, my curly hair tumbling down my back like a waterfall. The sun vibrant rays sent a glossy, gold sheen all around the room, blending with the falling leaves of Autumn.

The sound of the birds humming brought a peaceful hymn to my ears.I smiled to myself. What a nice day to start doing new things.

I closed my eyes yet again, the suns waking rays warming my body. I was going to make today amazing.

Strectching my fingers, I reached my phone next to me lazily. I clicked the little button and turned the phone on. I couldn't wait to start another great new day.

51 missed calls from Jack

Okay maybe not that great..

I continue to swipe my phone to see if there was something new.

239 texts from Jack

Maybe he just missed me..? Nothing bad would happen right?



Oh no this was bad.. he never panic like that, not ever. I sat up straight and dealed him. He answered the phone call at the first ring. This must be emergency.

"Elsa I need you! We have to talk!" Jack nearly shouted, then I heard sounds of gritting teeth.

"Wow-woah. Calm down tiger. Okay I will dress up and be there in 30minutes." I yawned, undressing my pyajama.

"30minutes? That's too long! I am already at your house. Look over the window." He instructed.

"You what?" I gasped in surprise.I threw a pullover on and a pair of ripped jeans causually. Opening the curtains forcefully, I saw a muscular figure and a black shiny limo.

"A sucessful man always knows how to save time, and owns a a limo." He shrugged, smiling. "Come on, it's serious. Come down first."

I shook my head and smiled dreamily. Limo? I guess my prince didnt ride a horse like the fairytales did. He never failed to make me smile.

"So what is bothering the cool Jackass?" I shook my shoulders and grinned.

"No time for chit-chatting! We gotta hurry." Without saying another word, he grabbed my waist and pulled me inside the limo. Pushing the brakes, he started driving.

"Hey I am a lady. Act like a gentleman!" I complained, pouting playfully like a kid.

He let out a deep breath, turning to me, "Emma used to do that too." Then he stopped the car suddenly, making me moved back and forth.

My brain tried to function, frowning all over my face. Fifteen seconds later, I broke out, "Used to? W-what do you mean? Is she--"

"Yes! She is!" He cut me off. His eyes were so watery, filled with sadness.

"Oh--I am so sorry, Jack. Sorry for your lost." I patted his shoulder. Slowly, I let him lean on my chest and started patting his head.

"I lose her to another man. Ain't I better than him?" His eyes were determined, clenching his fists.

I blinked. Twice.

"Are we on the same page?" I furrowed and raised a questionable eyebrow. "Is Emma, you know, gone? Like dead?"

He moved his head away from my shoulder suddenly, "What?" He nearly yelled. "Wow your imagination is way too good."

"Thanks God." I breathed out heavily. "Then what are you talking about?"

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