Chapter 25: Strength in numbers?

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Princeton uncrosses his fingers, he lied to Rae when he told her he wouldn’t come after her.

“Technically I didn’t lie I had my fingers crossed.” Princeton says to make himself feel better.

He immediately goes downstairs gathers Roc, Neah, Ray, Prodigy, and Sidney and fills them in on what just took place.

“What are we going to do?” Roc asks he’s so concerned for SiSi, and Rae.

“How come Malachi didn’t do that to me?” Sidney asks confused.

“Because of this…” Prodigy says rubbing her flat belly. “The baby, we had conceived in time.”

“I wish Rae and I would have made it we were so close.” Prince says his face in his hands. He quickly straightens himself this is no time to sulk he has to get Rae back.

“Okay this is what we’re going to do.” Prince says putting a plan into motion taking control of the situation. “We need to inform Savannah and Christopher, they know more about Malachi than we do.”

“Good idea Prince.” Roc says.

“We also need to inform Tamar and Vince, Sidney try to get them on the phone while we go over to see Savannah and Christopher.

They go over to the guest house to try and figure out what else they need to do to get Rae and SiSi back.


Rae is doing everything in her power to try and stop herself from the power of Malachi but its useless. She is a baby vampire she doesn’t know how to stop someone who is centuries old, he is too powerful for her. The closer Rae gets she notices SiSi. SiSi’s face is mirroring her own, she’s trying to figure out a way to stop Malachi too.

“SiSi!” Rae whisper yells.

“What are you doing here?” SiSi asks shocked to see her.

“He summoned me here….”

“Why-how?” SiSi asks.

“I don’t know…”

SiSi gasps as realization dawns on her. “We haven’t conceived yet.”

Rae gasps too, “we should have done it already, he knows we haven’t done it.”

SiSi nods. “What are we going to do?” She asks.

“I don’t know, but we better figure out something quick Malachi’s hold on me is getting stronger by the second.”

“Maybe there are strength in numbers.” SiSi says.

“If we hold hands and concentrate really hard maybe we’ll be in control of ourselves again.” Rae says.

“Trying can’t hurt.” SiSi says as they join hands and try to fight Malachi’s power.


“Hello!?” Tamar yells in the phone. “Leave immediately, Malachi is on to y’all.” She says.

“We can’t leave Tamar.” Sidney says.

“Why not?”

“Because Malachi has SiSi and Rae.”

“Oh God, we’ll be there as soon as we can.” Tamar says and disconnects the line.


Princeton and Roc fill Savannah and Christopher in on the whole ordeal.

“Can you help us?” Princeton asks.

“Rae, SiSi, and Sidney are new to this they have no idea what type of power they are capable of, and it will probably take years to master.” Savannah says.

“So there’s nothing we can do?” Roc asks hopelessness in his voice.

“They have strength in numbers but it won’t work unless they all three are together and Malachi knows this.” Christopher says.

“What do we do then?” Ray asks.

“We pray.” Christopher says.

Roc, Princeton and Ray exchange looks, as each of them say a silent prayer.

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now