Ch.10: Dark Aroma

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Rae is stunned at how beautiful the ring is. She starts to cry out of joy but part of her knows that their ready for this huge commitment even though they love eachother. "I need an answer..." Princeton says as he stands up. Rae can't find the words for a moment. "Any day now!" Princeton becomes impatient. "I really love you but are you sure you're ready to make this decision? We haven't even been on good terms lately....why not fix this and then think about marriage." Rae tells him honestly. Part of her wanted to burst out yes loudly and hug him tightly but the other part of her knew it's best that they work on their differences and then think about their long term future. "You're falling for Roc aren't you? I knew it!" Princeton yells to her madly. Rae takes a step back and gives him a confused look. "What the hell does Roc have to do with this?" Rae yells back at him. Roc hears his name and comes in the room. He's shocked by the argument. "Ya'll calm down, ya'll are suppose to be the ones that give me hope in relationships!" Roc honestly exclaims. Princeton punches him. "That's for trying to take my girl...because of you she won't accept my proposal!" Princeton screams and storms out the house fastly. Roc holds his jaw. "Damn Rae! What did I do?" Roc asks her in confusion. "He's upset because I wouldn't say yes when he proposed..." Rae answers him. "But what does that have to do with me?" He asks her starting to get mad. "I don't know. he thinks I like you or something and that you like me..." Rae answers. "Ewww! You're like a sister to me, I don't even see you like that at all. You're amazing but simply amazing for Princeton." Roc tells her with a disgusted expression. She returns the expression. "I feel the same way aboout you. You cool and all but just cool for SiSi." Rae tells him and they both laugh. His laughter soon turns to sorrow. "I don't know what to do without her, my life isn't the same." He tells her and leaves out. 


"I'm ready for whatever!" SiSi yells to him with a vengeance. "You'll never beat me!" Malachi tells her and laughs. He tries to control her mind and she can feel him but it doesn't work on her. He starts to look a little nervous. "You can't dictate my thoughts can you?" She asks him and smiles. He steps back. "I'm stronger than you, I can do as I please!" Malachi tells her but he's unsure about his statement. "If you're so strong take me on....NOW!" SiSi tells him seriously. "SiSi you don't even know how to utilize your powers, don't try this.." Her birth mother tries to pursuade her. "Shut up! I don't need you in my ear." SiSi yells to her. Savannah quickly hushes. The tone in SiSi's voice startles her. SiSi shows no remorse. "Alaysia, you have to fight whatever evil he has placed in you. You know who were before you became this, try to connect with that girl. That's who you are." Christopher tells her and smiles. SiSi gives him an evil glare. She hears him but she's not interested at this point. "My name is SiSi. Stop calling me Alaysia! You gave that right up when you left me stranded for those crazy ass Lovecraft's to take me. Stop trying to be the world's greatest parents. You don't care about me or my sisters. You didn't care then so stop acting like you care now!" She yells to him. "I tried to do what was best for ya'll so ya'll could live a normal life I knew Malachi was after us and I didn't want ya'll to be faced with this. We love you and your sisters. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture." Christopher tells her. She lets that sink in for a moment. She believes him but her cold heart won't let her feel any compassion for what he's telling her. Malachi sneaks up on her and throws her across the room into the wall.......................................


Roc tunes in on SiSi. He feels her in destress. He also can feel the dark aroma she's sending him. He tries to get into her emotions and make her feel him. Eventhough SiSi is far awway from him she starts to feel his emotions crash upon her. She doesn't like it until she figures out that it's Roc. She smiles a little through her confusion. From all the evil that's been evolved in her it overshadowed her love for Roc. "Roc......" She whispers aloud to herself. She feels herself gaining minimum strength. Malachi steps back. "You may hurt me but in the end you will pay for what you have done." SiSi tells him and smiles eventhough she's still too weak to fight back. 

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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