Ch.24: A Losing Battle

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Ray is into the kiss till he envisions Neah crying over him and being so hurt. he quickly pushes Arabella off of him gently. 

"What is it?" Arabella asks him as she rubs his thighs getting closer to his private area.

"Stop! I can't do this with you." Ray tells her as he places her hand away from him.

"And why not?"

"I have a girlfriend and she doesn't deserve this. I feel so stupid."

"You shouldn't Ray. Don't beat yourself up!"

"I should though. I have a beautiful girlfriend who loves me to death and I'm here with you for God knows what?! I have to go now!" Ray tells her and runs out her house. He quickly goes back home and makes it to his room where Neah is staring out the window. "I'm so sorry!" He admits truthfully.

His voice startles her. "For what?" She asks him.

"For everything! For acting like a little bitch when all you wanted was love. You just wanted me to express myself to you and I wouldn't even do that but if you let me I will now...." He tells her as he staring into her eyes.

"I don't know how much it's going to help you but be my guest." She tells him and rolls her eyes.

He falls to his knees. "Baby, I love you with all of my non beating heart. I know you want to hear it more and I'll work on that. I'd do anything to make you happy. You make me complete. I just need you to know that no matter what I always love you."

"I love you too. I guess I could lighten up on you a little. I know expressing yourself is hard especially when it comes to love. I'm sorry for overreacting." She says and pulls him off the floor and hugs him tightly. 

He stares into her eyes deeply. "May I have the honor of making love to you tonight?" Ray asks her genuinely.

Neah thinks for a moment but soon obliges as he lays her softly on the bed. 


SiSi is fighting with the intentions of Malachi and the force he has over her. "Malachi stop! Get out of my head and emotions!" She screams out loud. He's slowly killing the person she once was and wants to be. Come to me! She hears in the midst of her thoughts. She knows it's him and he has taken over her will. "NOOOOOOO!" She fights with him more. It's a losing battle. She soon begins to give up hope as she continues on the journey that Malachi is forcing her into. After awhile she starts to hear Roc in her thoughts: I don't know what you're becoming but I know you're strong enough to overcome anything. Baby just keep me with you and believe in all the reasons why you should keep fighting to beat Malachi once and for all. I need you, the real you. I need the girl I fell in love with. We're suppose to have a family someday, I seen it when Neah touched me. We'll be happy as long as you persevere and keep who you really are within you. I love you very much. I hope you can hear and feel me. SiSi begins to come alive again. She can feel herself through the evil. She may not know where Malachi is taking her but she knows when she sees him it will be nothing nice and she's ready for whatever is to come.


Prodigy and Sidney are laying in eachothers arms. "Are you okay?" Prodigy asks her as he stares into her eyes. 

"I'm laying here naked, cuddling with the love of my life just after we've made love for the first time....I'm wonderful." Sidney replies and kisses his lips.

"I'm glad you feel that way. You're pregnant by the way." Prodigy tells her in a whisper.

Sidney stares at him in shock. "How would you know that?" 

"I can smell it on you. You don't notice it but I can. Soon you will too though." He tells her and smiles. 

"Tamar and Vincent are going to kill us!" Sidney says as she jumps out of the bed.

"When they know the reasons behind it they will have no choice but to accept it. "

Sidney just stares at him then notices herself in the mirror on the wall and thinks on the changes she's about to go through. 


Princeton and Rae are cuddling on his bed and kissing. Rae abruptly jerks away. "What's wrong?" Princeton asks in fear. 

"I don't know Princeton. I have no control over me right now! I'm scared." Rae tells him as she clings for his help. 

"What's happening to you?"

Rae starts to hear Malachi's voice in her head: Come to me. I have your sister. Now it's your time. Rae starts to head towards the door beyond her control.

"Rae! Where are you going?"

"Malachi is summoning me and I can't stop him! He already has SiSi! Whatever you do don't come after me."

"I have to! I can't just let him have you!"

"Promise me you won't get involved! This has to be done with me and SiSi, even if we can't win."

"Rae don't make me do that! Please!"

"Promise me!" Rae yells as Malachi summons her outside of the house.

Princeton follows. "I promise....." He says sadly as he watches her disappear into the night.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now