Ch.8: Beyond My Will

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Malachi lets his fangs indulge in her skin. he releases his toxic venom. SiSi screams from the pain of all the poisness venom rushing through her body all at once. "Please don't let your venom turn her, she's not ready yet!" Savannah screams with so much hurt in her voice. SiSi is shaking severely and uncontrollably. Christopher watches as his middle child is being turned beyond her will. "Do something!" Savannah yells to Chris in frustration. "It's too late. With all the venom she already had it didn't take much to start that transformation." Christopher says lightly as he holds his wife. "Why would she even agree to this?" Savannah asks in a worls of confusion surrounding her mind. "It was beyond her will, he has control like no other and soon she will too." He tells his wife and rubs through her hair. "How does it feel to witness your daughter becoming one of the most powerful vampires of all time?" Malachi asks them with a evil smirk. "She'll never even be able to have children..." Her mother cries out. Malachi laughs loudly. SiSi has been transformed. She's laying on the ground in a daze. "She will. She can do anything! When I say powerful I mean even more powerful than you could imagine. Which why I need all of your daughters. Don't worry we'll multiply." Malachi says and winks at Savannah. "You filthy pervert! If you touch my daughter I will kill you or I will die trying!" Savannah yells at him. He picks SiSi up and takes her to a secret room with him. "I need you to calm down. If your daughter is anything like you she will fight the evil that he is posing in her and she will beat him." Christopher tells Savannah in a calming way. She just nods in silence. 


"What the hell are ya'll doing out of school?" Tamar asks them. Everyone is silent and looks at Prince. "Let me guess you're the ring leader?" Vincent asks Princeton. "It's my fault. Did you really think I was going to not save Rae?" Prince asks them. "I thought you'd listen to our specific rules. I told you not to worry. I told you we would find her." Tamar tells him madly. Vincent looks from each of them to the other. He notices a difference. "The school called and said all of ya'll were missing so where's SiSi?" Vincent asks them. Roc starts to break a little. if he head any tears to cry he would cry his eyes dry. "Something happened to her didn't it?" Tamar asks Roc as she moves closer to him. He nods his head. "Yes ma'am." He quietly answers her. She turns to look at Princeton. "If you had have listened this wouldn't have happened, that's what you get for being stubborn and disobedient!" Tamar yells. "It's not his fault she's gone. I told her something and she left." Rae defends Princeton. "What could you have possibly told her to make her leave? & where did she go?" Vincent asks Rae. "I told her Roc was over her and she left with a man named Zaakar and if my instincts are right he took her to the king. She went willingly." Rae says as she takes a big gulp. Roc stares at her while everyone is in silence. "Yeah but if I had have spoke up and told her how I really felt maybe she wouldn't have left. It's my fault too I guess." Roc tries to defend Rae. "Putting all the blame on yourselves isn't going to bring her time maybe ya'll will listen when we say to let us handle it!" Tamar tells them and rolls her eyes. "We have to get home!" Vincent tells them and leads the way. "We can't just leave SiSi here to rot or die!" Roc yells at him. "Right now we have no choice. We need all the back up we can get before we ever dare to go up against the king. He's more powerful than you realize!" Vincent tells him and keeps walking. "I'm staying here. I don't feel right leaving the girl I love here when I know the king will kill her!" Roc rebels. "You don't know that. None of us do. Lets just listen to Tamar and Vince this time. You see what going against them did this time." Princeton tells him and follows Vince. "SiSi will be fine. Can you feel her?" Sidney asks Roc. Roc nods his head. "Yeah but our connection feels totally different than it use to...." He admits. "It doesn't matter as long as you can still feel her. You know she's still there." Sidney tells him and grabs his hand and pulls his along with the rest of the crew as they flee.


"How do you feel?" Malachi asks SiSi as he stands over her. Her eyes pop open and they are ruby red. "I feel powerful, invincible....." She answers in a evil-like voice...............................

Stay tuned! - Chasity

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now