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Niall's POV:


I swam through a misty grayness of ocean like stuff. I didn't know where excactly I was or why. I knew I had swam in this for a few days but I couldn't find an escape. I heard laughter sometimes and whispers and just flat out annoying beeping a lot. Then I heard it.

'Niall' a faint voice rang through my head

'Niall....' A little louder this time.

"Mr. Horan??' Now right by me. The grayness swirled then I was met by an atonishingly bright flouresant light in my poor eyeballs.

"AHHHHHGGGKKK" I cried out as lights flashed behind my eyes. Chuckling came from beside me. As my eyes focused to the figure standing beside me I could finally see a tall man with blackish hair and dressed head to toe in a minty green get- up. "Wh-where am I???" I coughed out.

"Ah, you're in the St. Peters Alliance Hospital. Im doctor Malcom, and finally glad to see your regaining your health." The man, now labeled doctor Malcom told me.

"Regaining my what???" I looked down to see me In one of those weird hospital dresses. "Oh, What happened???" I spoke trying to breathe in deep when a wave of pain hit me in the chest causing me to breathe out an 'oomph'

"Easy on your lungs mr. Horan. they are still recovering from that tremendous fire you were saved from. By, um, that Payne fellow."

"Liam?" My head snapped up in full attention. Doctor Malcom chuckled at me for a second then returned to his explaining.

"Yes, Yes. Quite a brave one that. He ran into that fire to save you. And not a second sooner, After you were rescued the house collapsed. He must care for you a lot to do that, you know." He said cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he must." I wheezed. Liam saved me???? Does he really care for me that much? My heart jumped for joy at the thought that I might actually get the man of my dreams....

"But the smoke burned a hole in your left lung and severed your esoughphagus. We honestly weren't sure if you'd make it or not. It was a long shot. But look at you. All patched up and ready for action." He laughed to himself.

"Yeah". I whispered.

"Well get some rest. You need it. You'll be able to see your friends after you wake." He replied dimming the bright lights.

"Thanks....." I said before drifting off to a nice gray-less dream about my happily ever after with my knight in shining armor.

I fell in love with my bully. boyxboy. NiamWhere stories live. Discover now