Second chances

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A/N: Sorry I couldn't think of a name for this chapter but oh well!

Love Ya!


Niall's POV:

I woke up next to a sleeping Liam beside me. I smiled and stroked his hair. Eventually I got up to take a shower. After I'd showered I came back into my room to find Liam gone. I sighed thankfully and proceeded to my drawers. I pulled on a blue polo, jeans, and my white supras. Then I went to the bathroom to tidy my hair. I styled into a tall quid and went downstairs. Liam was washing dishes furiously as the other boys quietly ate cereal at the table.

"What's wrong with Liam?"I questioned. Each of the boys exchanged glances.

"Oh I don't know, what did YOU do to him?" Louis asked mischievously.

"Tomlinson....." Liam growled from the kitchen. Louis grin immediately fell off and he quietly continued eating. Harry's body was trembling, his eyes wide, and jumpy. Zayn's eyes travelled down to my open wrist, four red thin lines catching his eye. I put my hands behind my back and tried not to look at him. I plopped down next to Zayn and Harry and poured myself some cereal.

I quietly finished and put my bowl in the sink and walked back up stairs. I locked my door so I could sort out my head. I loved him... He was responsible, intelligent, and just sexy. I just wished he felt the same. I pulled my laptop onto my bed and logged onto Twitter. The fans were going berserk, arguing over Larry Stylinson (uhg), Zerrie (yawn), and who's going to end up marrying me. I decided to have some fun so I typed in a tweet, 'searching... Searching for the right one' and then shut off my computer when someone knocked on my door.

"Niall? We need to talk." My heart fluttered at his voice. Silently, I walked over to the door and pulled it open. Liam's hair was all messy and his eyes were puffy along with his body trembling. He trudged in an stood against my wall, I plopped on my bed.

"Niall, you've got me in a very puzzling situation." He began, my stomach tied itself in knots.

"How?" I replied.

"Because I'm straight Niall." My anger started to boil up.

"Nuh Uh."

"Yes Niall, I am." My temper beginning to snap.

"NO YOU'RE NOT AND YOU KNOW IT!" I screamed, he looked startled but held his ground.

"Niall I know you like me but I'm not ready to start any of this." I stood up and walked towards him until I was 1 and 1/2 feet away from him.

"Why not Li? Don't be afraid. Take a chance." In that moment I pressed my lips to his and immediately fireworks exploded between us. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me closer. Our mouths moved in perfect harmony. A small groan escaped from his throat. In the same moment his eyes flew open and his eyes flew open and he pushed me off of him. I stared at him, breathless in disbelief at him, sputtering.

He turned and stormed out the door and left me trying to catch my breath. "Wow." I choked out. Zayn slowly crept into my room with a rather odd look on his face.

"What just happened?" He whispered.

"I- I kissed Liam." I replied, shocking myself, I stared into his wide amber eyes.

"Was it nice?"

"Yeah Zayn, what's it to you?" I questioned.

"Nothin." He spoke and left. I stared, puzzled, at the door where Zayn had just exited. I shrugged it off and decided to take a nap. I was almost asleep when Harry came in.

"Hey Niall, we're all going to the store do you wanna come?"

"No I'm too tired." I replied.

"Oh ok, Liam left you some soup. It's still on the burner for you. Harry replied, walking out of my room. I buried my head in my blankets and drifted off to sleep...

Liam's POV:

We entered the grocery store and began to go over what we needed when we were interrupted by a series of loud sirens. Harry looked over at me, worried.

"What Haz?" I questioned.

"Do you think Niall is ok?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Harry I do. He stays home all the time. He's fine." I said bluntly. The sirens stopped and we continued our shopping.

A/N: Ooooooo! What's Happening?

I fell in love with my bully. boyxboy. NiamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora