I fell in love with my bully. boyxboy. Niam

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Niall's POV:

It was my turn to tell the boys about my past. I fiddled with my fingers as a looked down and began to re-run everything from my child hood, even the worst memories...


I looked up into his evil grin, He laughed at me and spat, in my face. Me, being the helpless 10 year old that I was, cowered on the ground as the bully attempted to beat me up.

"Why are you doing this to me!? I don't even know you! " I cried.

" To make it short, I'm the town bully and you're my victim as of right now." He spat. I rolled over and climbed to my feet and began to run. It was 1/2 a mile to my house and The boy was close behind me. My legs carried me faster and faster as I cut through the field. He was still right behind me as I ran.

I ran faster and faster until I tripped on a large stump. I fell forward and knocked my face on something. Hard. I heard the boy come up behind me and stand over me. I dared to roll over and look up at him, he punched me hard in the jaw. My head spun as I looked up dizzily at him. He bent down towards me and began to punch my face rapidly.

Blow after blow I cried for him to stop. After another dozen blows to my face he leant down and kissed me. I pushed him off me as he stumbled backwards and ran the opposite direction. I blew out a sigh of relief mixed with worry. I tasted blood in my mouth yet didn't feel pain, just confusion. I knew I wasn't supposed to like boys or anything like that so I got up and ran straight for my house.

When I reached my house I ran straight to my room, not bothering to say hi to my mum. I flopped to my bed and began to sob. Tears overflowed in my eyes. I cried until my eyes ran dry... Eventually I left to my bathroom to check the damage, swollen lip and big bruise in the top right corner of my forehead. I cleaned up my head and went to open the curtains. When I opened them I saw The exact same boy standing across the street holding a sign.

The sign read 'I'll ruin you' I shuddered and closed the curtains and returned to my bed to fall asleep for, hopefully ever...

End of Flashback.

I began to tell my new band mates about my personal bully and how he eventually moved away. The boys were very understanding about it. I could see one of my band mate's, Liam, get a look of worry in his eyes. I pondered about asking him about it but remained silent...

I fell in love with my bully. boyxboy. NiamWhere stories live. Discover now