The Truth About Calvin

Start from the beginning

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was Will's and Calvin's empty seat. Henry was scowling at me and spat a nasty spitball at me. The moron missed, of course. I dropped my bag next to my chair and stared out the window.

"New seating chart!" announced Miss Myacoff. "Just sit by your last lab partner! They'll be you partner for this first semester, and then it will change!"

We all got up and moved to the front of the classroom. From there, Mrs. Myacoff sent us to our new seats. Some of us had her the previous years. She was one of those science freaks, and taught nearly every science here. Despite her young age, she once was an university professor for biochemistry, electrical engineering, and chemical engineering-not all the same year. 

Calvin walked in when Miss Myacoff was about half way done with the seating chart. His eyes landed on me first before he stopped next to the doorway, one of his black JanSport backpack straps hanging on his shoulder with his thumb hooked between it and the soft part of his shoulder.

Finally, Miss Myacoff got to the last row. Lucky me. In the back with Calvin. I was sure he would love being in the back as I stereotyped all outsiders right then.

"Calvin!" called Miss Myacoff, and Calvin glanced up without moving his dipped head. Calvin dragged his feet over to his seat, and lazily dropped his bag next to the chair. 

"Rachel!" called Miss Myacoff then she added to Calvin, "Just make sure she doesn't fall asleep constantly. As we get deeper into the year, we'll be doing more labs." More labs mean more work.

Yay, I thought sarcastically with an obvious eye roll aimed at Miss Myacoff as I stalked over to my seat to Calvin, his seat next to the window. Stupid lucky freak.

I sat down next to Calvin and quickly got to the point as soon as Miss Myacoff was back to being busy with the seating arrangements and beginning the lesson.

"Alright," I murmured blandly. "How about we meet up after school to do the planning that way we can prank at school and plan after?"

I figured his outside life was fully focused on his drawings and music. Nothing more, nothing less. He was an outsider. And that's how outsiders were viewed at my school-and I was pretty at most school too.


"W-what?" I stuttered, surprised, and my eyebrows raised. "No?"

"No." This time he sounded less firm, but just as calm. This time his 'No' was abrupt and filled with slight irritation.

"Fuck your 'no'! What could you possibly be doing? You're an outsider! What the hell do you do during your free time?!" I yelled, and all eyes turned to Calvin and I.

I glared, but Calvin's eyes nearly popped out of his head, clearly not used to the attention. He slumped lower and lower in his seat. After a long moment, heads turned back to focus more on Miss Myacoff. The teacher ignored us and continued on her lesson. Will and Henry shot us a smirk. Will waved his casted arm at me as if to warn me of the torutre to come. 

Don't worry, you still have a broken arm I can use against you in a fight, I thought, glaring at Will. 

Calvin was only half way on his seat, the rest of his lower body under the desk. He was still slipping lower and lower like all the attention was the earthquake and now it was time for the aftershock. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I said no," he mumbled, his voice nearly inaudible.

"Come on-I don't have anything-well...The point is that if I don't have anything, how do you have something?" I wasn't yelling. I was truly curious. "You sure you're not lying?" My eyes narrowed at him.

"I'm busy," he said curtly and stood up, grabbing his backpack.

"Hey!" I snapped. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Calvin, sit down. School isn't over yet," ordered Miss Myacoff.

"I'm busy," he replied with a shrug, heading for the back classroom door.

"Calvin!" Miss Myacaoff shouted after him.

Will and Henry grinned, probably wanting Calvin out as soon as possible. Miss Myacoff grabbed the office phone. If Miss Myacoff called the office, Calvin would actually get in less trouble than if he was caught just wandering, or in this case, about to leave. I knew that if they didn't catch Calvin now, he'd just get hauled into the principal's office tomorrow. 

I stared, bewildered and dumbfounded, at the door, which was now closing. Calvin was gone. 

What could he possible have to do? He wouldn't ditch school just to get the right shadows in a picture that only showed at a certain time of day...would he?


I whistled as I walked home. I didn't drive. Mom wouldn't let me have a car. I was pretty sure that was the first smart decision she'd ever made.

As I walked, I thought about Calvin ditching school right in front of the teacher. That was pretty gutsy, even for someone who didn't matter much. I figured he'd definitely have detention. Then I'd end up doing the pranks by myself, which I did not mind one the time. 

I walked past the local animal shelter, Sienna's Animal Shelter. A tall, dark figure wearing the shelter's blue uniform shirt in the corner of my eye inside the store made me stop. I turned, and the person was gone.

What the fudge? I had seen a tall, dark figure. I am not blind. I do not imagine Calvin-that's as bad as dreaming about the moron, I thought stubbornly and looked around. 

I walked into the shelter, refusing to believe I was blind. 

"Hello!" cheered one of the workers, and I spun around. It was a short woman in her early fifties with curly red hair and rosy red cheeks. Her hair had a choppy cut, and one thick black streak. She wore the uniform blue shirt labeled Sienna's Animal Shelter just like the lanky, gothic figure had. 

"Uh..." I grunted, and let out an awkward laugh. "Look"-I turned serious, hiding how awkward and stupid I felt-"Do you know Calvin...Eaton?"

"Oh, yeah! He works here!" she cheered. "He's a real sweetie! Always helping, especially those who can't reach some of the shelves-like myself. He's the best with all the animals in general, but especially the horses and dogs. How do you know Vin?" 

"Vin?" I echoed, one eyebrow raising.

"Yes, why that's his nickname here!" she exclaimed gleefully. Too gleefully. "Now, how can I help you? Would you like me to ring him up?" She reached for the phone and I slammed my hand on top of hers.

"No!" I yelled too quickly, and pulled back. "Oh, um look, I'm a...f-f-friend"-you have no idea how hard it was to say that-"of his...A new f-f-friend"-my nosiness kicked in-"But! He never tells me about himself, and won't let me over. I'd really like to know what's up."

I was the best actor ever! It was totally believable, despite the stammer.

Her eyes glazed over, and her expression was pure sympathy. "Calvin...he has a very difficult life. I'm sure you know how bad it is at school, but that's nothing compared to what goes on in that Eaton household. However, I think it best if you asked him yourself. He is you friend after all. Why would he mind telling you?"

Because we aren't friends and I'm a total bitch to him.

I spotted the tall, dark, and familiar figure walking down an aisle. He hadn't noticed me because he was helping a costumer. So, I quickly slipped out before he did get the chance to.

* What do you think is up in the Eaton household? How bad is it? *

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