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Welcome lovers of story! Bobbie Kinkead HERE! Today's story is one of eager, earnest efforts to make a gift that is unwanted and excels Ursula's efforts make her an expert.

EAGER, energetic, expert – empathy - excellent – encouragement – expert - earnest – electric – elegant - eminent – enjoyable – enthusiasm – even – excellent – expressive – extraordinary - elastic --> EATING

EAGER, energetic, expert – empathy - excellent – encouragement – expert - earnest – electric – elegant - eminent – enjoyable – enthusiasm – even – excellent – expressive – extraordinary - elastic --> EATING

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URSULA was a princess, who lived with her father, King Wilfred, and two older sisters. Their palace was in Eastern Europe. Ursula loved to cook and spent all her time in the kitchen.

At dinner, King Winfred looked at his daughters and informed them." My birthday is coming up, whoever of you offers me a gift fit for royalty will be the Queen." Ursula went to the kitchen. The carpenter was asked to make the finest wooden platter. Ursula began making loaves of bread. She practiced until the morning of her father's birthday. She was busy for days, and almost . . .


Her father yelled, "Ursula, come to the table."

Ursula gathers her tray. Perfect!

She walked carefully upstairs and past her sisters, who had given their gifts to their father, the King.

"Ursula, come here. What is this? A wooden tray, salt spread around, a small loaf of bread. What manner is this?

"Dear Father, the tray is from wood, the heart, symbolized the hearth, the heart of the kitchen fire, where we cook our foods and gather to talk. Holy salt is a preserve, the Staff of Life, wars are fought over it. Our daily bread is baked with salt; the beard is for all to eat.

"This purple robe from your older sister is for royalty, and the wooden staff from your younger sister is for royalty. BANG! BANG! Your wooden tray, salt, and bread are of the common."

"Father, the robe only covers for warmth, and the wooden staff decorated with jewels only makes noise. the STAFF OF LIFE is salt, wood, bread and the people who prepare and serve each other! This is power - POWER to satisfy, to give pleasure, and brings prosperity.

"Ursula your hair is uncombed. Your dress covered with flour and your hands and figure nails dirty. This is not royalty. You are common, as common as the servants in our palace kitchen. Go live with them."


Ursula came back to the castle at the request of King Wilfred to cater a Festival to announce his old daughter as the Queen and the Second daughter's wedding to the neighboring King. Her father, the King did not know she came but Gerda, owner of the famous Inn, signed the contract.

When Ursula enter Genna's kitchen everyone, the kitchen staff, the knight, the paige, the servant girls, candle makers, bee handlers, the gardens, and merchants cheer the return of their kitchen princess. Ursula went straight to work, unload the precious foods. After two weeks of work and more work, the tables were prepared with her supply of fine cotton linens, white and blue porcelain plates, bowls, clear glasses, the house silver, freshly made candles, and evergreen branches. The fest was ready for the arriving nobles.


The champagne poured, with the announcements made by King Wilfred of the Queen to be, and the marriage of the second daughter.

To the tables were carried wine, beer, mead, and teas. The salads, soups, crackers, cheese, bread, pickles, the vegetable dishes of various kinds of pasta served with fish, goose, ducks, roast pig, lamb, and beef.

Ursula labor in the kitchen making sure everything came out at the right time. At this time, a cook was to serve the King his favorite dish, sausages, and saurkraut. The wood tray was brought for the hiding place, cleaned and oiled. Fresh clean sea salt was smoothly spread on the tray. Ursula placed the fine rye bread with the perfect texture and crust on top of the salt. A plate of the sausages spiced to perfection next to the bread, and the bowl perfect kraut of the right color and aroma. The aromas filled the kitchen. The cooks applauded. Her assistant carried the tray to the King.


King Wilfred looked the platter noticing the wood and sausages, and sauerkraut and top of salt. "Bring up the cook."

Ursula heard her father yelling. She climbed the stairs with confidence and assurance. She stepped before her father and curtsied.

"Ursula, my daughter."

He beat his staff on the floor. "My friends and countrymen and ladies, I have a third announcement. Stand to a toast to Ursula, my daughter, who cooked our winter's feast. She has brought us the gift of prosperity and wealth with her fine cookery and love of salt giving us the gift of life that everyone needs ."

CHEERS rang through the long hall.


Ursula sat beside her Father while the desserts with fine coffee were served. 'Ursula do we have the pleasure of you staying and cooking your finery for us." Ursula knew her father has apologized; he finally understood her love of serving foods.

"Dear Father my work at the INN brings the pleasure of fine cookery to so many. I travel to all parts of the country presenting feasts for all. I cannot part from my profession. I will return and again and again and bring you great bounty about my travels and stories I hear."

And it was so, and is still in kitchens and dining rooms today – salt with the merriment of foods is the staff of everyday life. May all of you have delicious prepared foods and merriment of conversations in this life.

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Thank-you, lovers of story for reading.

May you have the best 😊 with your storytelling!

Check out Ursula, Salt is the Staff of Life, on video, Bobbie Kinkead, 2010, will be a different story than written here.




The Most Indispensable Thing — Lugwig Beckstein, Samtliche Marchen, edited by Walter Scherf, (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Germany, 1983), pp.593-596.

Source: Ludwig Bechstein, "Das Unentbehrlichste," Neues Deutsches Märchenbuch (Leipzig: W. Einhorn's Verlag, 1856), Austria, no. 24, pp. 171-75, Translated by D. L. Ashliman. © 1998.

Bechstein's source: The Necessity of Salt by Ignaz and Joseph Zingerle (1852).

Source: Ignaz and Joseph Zingerle, "Notwendigkeit des Salzes," Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Buchhandlung, 1852), Translated by D. L. Ashliman. © 1998. no. 31, pp. 189-91.

Ludwig Beckstein is the most popular editor and collector of fairytales (1801 -1860) and outsold Jacob and Wilhem Grimm.

The King and His Daughters, Charles Swynnerton, Indian Nights' Entertainment; or, Folk-Tales from the Upper Indus, Pakistan, (London: Elliot Stock, 1892), no. 27, pp. 78-79.

——————and on and on! MANY versions!

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