Their laughter joined together makes a beautiful sound. I stand there mesmerized by the sound, smiling. Adam wet from head to toe, while my angel looks like she is drowning in a potato sack. But the smiles on their faces are worth everything. I feel my heart slowly opening up a bit for the rude, cold, menacing Adam. Because right now he is nothing but the opposite of what these words define.

It seems like I've made my presence clear, as both heads turn my way and that's when time stops. I feel Adam's gaze on me, I look up but quickly look away, I try to ignore him as best as I can, talking to Melak trying to make her cooperate and say thank you to him.

But that's when her next words stun me. Stuns him. Stuns us.

"Twenk yu... Dada."

My daughter just uttered one word that completely shattered my world. Her innocent face, beaming at me, but her face gets blurry as tears clog my throat and gather in my eyes.

Dada. That one word. Father. Dad. Daddy. Dada. Oh baby I'm so sorry you weren't conceived in the right way. I'm sorry you weren't born into a perfect family, with two loving parents. I'm sorry your father is a shameless bastard. I'm sorry for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sorry for not being able to give you a loving father that will save you from all things bad. I'm sorry you're not a daddy's girl or princess as every little girl should be. How I was. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect mother. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

A lone tear falls down my check, I wipe it off quickly with the sleeve of my sweater. I sniff and look lovingly at my daughter. My angel. "No baby, this man is named Adam. Not dada. Adam." I try to tell her.

"Dadadadadadada..." She continues, looking happy about her accomplishment.

I look up at the pale faced, completely statue like Adam holding Melak in his arms. It looks like he's seen a ghost, completely unmoving. I snap my fingers in front of his face, afraid something's wrong with him since he's not blinking.

Ya Allah this is awkward!

"Look Adam I'm so sorry about this, I wasn't expecting that. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I'll take it from here. Thanks for the help." I say as I take a few steps forward and take a smiling chubby faced Melak into my arms and turn to leave.

"Dadaaaaaaaaaa..." She sing songs.

I feel a blush rising up my neck.

"No baby, say Adam. A d a m, yalla hayate., Adam!, Adam... " I try to reason with her as I walk back into the luxurious bedroom.

I place a happy Melak on the lush pistachio colored carpet, leaving her to play with abbit and to roam freely around the room. I walk over to the bed, and fix the bedding and everything that looks out of place.

I finish up quickly, I leave the room and walk over to the pool house,  Melak and i hand in hand while she hums the dora theme song.


Melak is taking her afternoon nap while I try to clean up the mess that is our living room. I'm still feeling slightly off, but I'm ignoring it as best as I can because I can't let it stand in the way of what I need to be doing. Which is taking care of my daughters needs, also to find and make a comfortable life for us two.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now