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Arcade forced me to throw up, again. It was like a routine for us. I'd accidentally overdose on something and he'd come and save the day. Then we'd have our little conversation that's always slightly different. Here's the thing about magic, you use it too much and you get corrupted or whatever. Guess who used it too much? Your local Mage idiot did!

"You don't need to do this," arcade shouted.

"What if I forget everything? Who our friends were? What if I try to hurt you," I retorted.

This is how it has been for awhile, maybe a month or two after we left that bullshit city. I've tried to stop it and he tries to stop me from destroying my life. Arcade didn't respond and instead hugged me tightly. He still wasn't used to the whole touchy feely thing but we were getting somewhere. I mean we've been together forever, it's just not his thing.

"If you die, I'll die and beat you up as a ghost," he said quietly under his breath.

I nodded. Man I wouldn't want to go into a ghost fight with him. He would kill me again. I heard the front door open, she must of gotten home. Arcade left the room and that's when I got a horrible feeling in my gut. I gathered myself together and walked out. The house was silent, besides something dripping onto the ground and a metallic clicking as if it was walking on something.

"Arcade," I mumbled softly and started to look around. This isn't funny arcade! Where are you?!

That's when I found him in the kitchen. Oh no, this, this can't be happening. Anything but this! I stumbled over towards Arcade and sat by his side. There was so much blood on his clothes. Was it all his? Oh god, it can't be, please don't let it be. When did this even happen?!

"I-I'm," arcade started out to say weakly.

"Don't talk it'll make the pain worse," I mumbled.

I went through every single healing spell I could think of as the sounds of destruction seem to surround us. Mother just please let something you taught me work. Please, I'm begging you.

"I-is nothing working," I whispered. I felt the corruption flowing through my veins. Something better work, something has to work. Even if it kills me, I don't care.

"H-hey, somethings working, since I'm not dead right now. The pain seems gone," arcade said.

I nodded. Arcade struggled to sit up and I tried to help him.

"Are...are you okay," Arcade asked as he motioned to the magical residue that dyed my hands pitch black.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

That was a lie, I wasn't okay. I felt the Ichor flowing through my veins. I heard the whispers of those who I killed, who I was forced to kill all around me. I saw the heavens gaze down at me in anger. I felt my sins crawling on my back.

Arcade looked at me with concern, please don't ask again. I'm okay, I promise. He smiled slightly and got up gradually. I got up also. My breathing was raged and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. How long have I been crying?

"It's going to be okay. I'm with you no matter what," arcade said looking at me with all honesty in his facial expression.

"What if I'm a goner," I asked softly.

"It doesn't matter. I'm staying with you no matter what. No matter where we go,no matter what happens, no matter who dies even, I'm staying with you."

I nodded.

"You promise," I asked.

"I promise," he responded.

I don't want to hurt you. I want to laugh and joke and to forget our modern crises with you. I want to remember what is like to be alive with you. I want...I want to stay with you.
I want to love you. I need to love you.


"So, how was school, kiddo," I asked Nyx once she finally got out of school.

She thought for a moment and gave me a crooked smile,"Well, apparently writing that the Mage rebellion caused my dads to meet and it also caused one of them to loose and eye isn't a great one sentence essay. Should I said they got laid and one lost an eye?"

"Does the teacher want the complete truth, because if not also add me. Sex, violence, and the unnatural always get attention."

She nodded making a mental note of it. Her pitch black hair was finally not hiding her elf ears. Why are elves so tall?! She's almost taller than me. Key word: almost.

"So, dad number three, are you also going to give me a lecture ,like my teachers, on being careful because there's someone kidnapping  elves," she asked rolling her eyes.

"No I'm going to recommend that you don't go into the sunflower fields anytime soon since there's apparently something murderous in there. Also I was going to ask, would you like to go on an adventure, soon?"

Her eyes seemed to light up at the mention of adventure, I didn't think that was possible since her eyes are literally as dark as the void.

"Hell yeah," she exclaimed.

"That's my line," I complained.

"Well, it's mine now."

Ugh, teenagers, stealing my lines and complaining about essays. Why don't they go sacrifice things to some forgotten god and start a cult like back in the good old days?

I answered my phone.

"Hey Satan... Do you know anything about some weird robot bug...possibly modeled after a mantis," Norman said softly.

"Uhm...shit," I mumbled.

Well, I figured out where we should have our adventure. Nyx looked up at me slightly concerned and I just nodded. Why not take my goddaughter on a cool ,but totally dangerous adventure? There's no reason not to! Besides the fact that she might die, but that's only temporary!

Hell, yeah.

MY BEST FRIEND IS NAMED SATANTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang