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I called Kylee when I woke up.

"Ugh can't you just text," is what she said once she picked up.

I think she just woke up too.

"No because my phone stuff is dumb. Anyways satan was like yo wanna go to a costume party and I was like sure. And then he left because of hell," I quickly said, since I knew she could keep up.

"So it's like a date with the devil?"


I heard a loud crash and someone frantically speaking to Kylee on the other line.

"Arcade just told me he accidentally opened a portal and a weird monster just came out. You should come by sometime," she said quickly before hanging up.

I sighed and got up. My binder looked at me menacingly from the closet.

Fine. You win this time.

Once I was finished getting ready, I glanced out of the window. Nothing weird out here so far. I left and walked to the building were Kylee worked.

It was an extremely tall building that was one of the ones that adorned the skyline. It was sort of menacing as well. I walked in not wanting to stare at it for too long.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment with someone," the receptionist asked.

"Uh..y-yes. With a doctor Kylee," I stammered.

"Okay... She's waiting for you on the 10th floor, Mr.Norman."

I nodded and went to the elevator.
Why would labs be on the 10th floor?

I reached the 10th floor with what seemed to be a dozen other people in lab coats. I couldn't remember any of their faces.

"Norman," Kylee called out once she saw me.

"This is Norman," a tall blonde man asked her.

She nodded as I was approaching them.

"So what's the big deal," I asked.

"Since you do know magic, I was wondering if you could close the portal," Kylee stated.

Arcade rolled his eyes and went over to the room where the loud banging was coming from.

"What's that noise," I asked as I quickly thought of what to use.

They both shrugged.

"Whatever I'll deal with your problem."

I opened the door and walked in. The noise was just the portal over reacting to everything.

"Ugh okay, here we go, ușă la un alt aproape-," I was cut off mid sentence by something throwing me to the wall.

"Rude! Anyways..ușă la un alt aproape lume sau ceva," I said when I got up.

The portal closed after a minute or two. I looked at my hands and they were covered in whatever the black substance was. This was one of the only cons of being a magic user. The rest of the cons aren't important.

"So,is the portal gone," Arcade asked from the corner.

I nodded and hid my hands. They didn't care that I was hiding my hands they cared more about the science of it all and started talking.

"Nerds," I mumbled.

"Um excuse me," Kylee said.

Arcade just nodded and went back to research.

"Oh shit is that satan on the other side of the room," Kylee asked.

I turned around and saw him.

"I think he's waving at you," Kylee stated.

I shrugged and motioned him to come over here instead.

He walked over and said,"Hey Kylee. Hello Arcade. We should hang out some time."

MY BEST FRIEND IS NAMED SATANWhere stories live. Discover now