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"Since when have I've had a bad idea," I mumbled.

"Well let's see," Arcade started out.

He then listed every single one of my bad ideas he has noticed which was over 20 of them.  I lost count at 20 and then I just stared at him.

"Okay, so can I be your kid's Godfather if you two adopt," Satan interrupted as he stole one of Arcade's s'mores.

"YES," Arcade and I shouted at the same time.

I got up from the couch and started heading towards the door. He can't make me stay, I have an idea and I'm gonna do it. Even if I get killed.

I walked to where that one science place was. Former safe haven, current death trap. The streets were practically empty as I walked. It was sorta like everyone died and I was the last person left alive. Eventually I got there and I started to wander around when Arcade texted me.

IMPULSE CONTROL: dude no! Ugh I'll be there in a moment. Don't do anything stupid!

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I should text him back, but I don't want to. What if he's mad at me? I mean... Whatever. The building was completely empty besides the bloodstains and furniture that was still left. I walked up to where Kylee used to work and hesitated. I stepped inside the room that was cut off from the rest by a glass wall and had a door on the other side leading out. The one I walked in automatically shut behind me and panic filled me. This was not good! That shouldn't do that! I banged against the glass wall for awhile but eventually gave up and waited. This might be awhile.

I saw Arcade on the other side of the glass wall banging his hands on it begging me to get out. I shook my head and heard the hunters walk in. Arcade was watching in horror as I got on my knees. What was the point? I was doomed from the start anyways.

A gun was pressed against my head by my executioner. Please don't start talking, I hate it when you guys talk. They didn't talk ,but seemed hesitant, like they weren't sure if they should actually kill me or not.

"May I have some last words," I asked quietly. My voice quivered somewhat as I asked this.

There was a murmur amongst them before one of them said yes. I looked up at arcade and smiled. He was crying and shaking his head. I could faintly hear the words,"don't die, please. Don't die today." His eyes met mine and I looked down. I'm sorry.

"Ut tu in pace morieris in flammis," I shouted and then everything was bright. I collapsed to the ground and closed my eyes. I felt like I was burning up. I felt like every thing I felt was made of fire. I wanted to cry out in pain but even trying to make a noise felt like it hurt.

After for what seemed like centuries, I heard the crunching of glass and felt someone pick me up. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to hear the cries of revolution, I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to be with him.

"A-arcade," I managed to barely say.

"Shh...it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna go get you patched up and then...then we'll go away," arcade softly said.

I nodded and opened my eyes. He looked angelic in this madness. I reached up and touched his face.
He looked down at me and smiled with his absolutely perfect smile. He was the best thing to come out of this god forsaken planet.

"I-I," I started out. I wanted to say it but I couldn't bring myself to. Every word I tried to say made my throat felt like it was being torn open.

Arcade nodded," I do too. Let's just get you home. Promise me that you won't die..."

I promise, Arcade, I promise.

A/N some of you may be like "hey this seems shorter than usual >:^( what's the deal" and I have a perfectly good answer. So I did have this planned to last longer but I managed to focus on The plot more than expected so this is the final chapter before the epilogue! Before the sequel!

Also from past experiences I can't start another story while writing one because I get super distracted and die...I mean forget the plot. I already have a new story planned out and I just need to flesh out the first chapter and all that jazz! It'll have more characters killed off, hopefully!

Well I'll see you guys at the epilogue I guess ,or at school if you go there, but most likely the epilogue! Bye!

MY BEST FRIEND IS NAMED SATANOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora