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I sat next to arcade and looked at the video he was watching.

"I'll say it again, that's totally magic," I told him.
"No, it's science," he mumbled keeping his focus on the video.
"It's science! Probably psychics or something else I didn't study or don't remember."
"Uhm, it's totally magic."

We kept arguing about it for an hour or two before we heard something gross and sorta terrifying from the alley nearby. I stood up almost immediately.

"You are not," arcade started out.
"Come with me! You're strong and smart that's like two perfect things to have in a sidekick," I exclaimed and walked out of his apartment.

It had been an uneventful few days here with the rebellion happening gradually more and more each day. Now certain magic users are a bit, how do you say it, horrifying. They willingly turn themselves into abominations and let themselves be enveloped by the corruption. It's not a pretty sight. It would be like seeing Donald Trump in your home wearing your mothers clothes and claiming he was your mother. It's just not a good situation for anyone.

Arcade caught up to me fairly quickly. I'm pretty sure he does a lot of cardio, or whatever people who exercise call it.

"First of all, I'm not the sidekick," arcade exclaimed as we walked into the alley.

I shrugged. I mean who wouldn't want a fairly attractive scientist who takes care of himself as a sidekick? Sure, he may claim to not be the sidekick, but he totally is.

We kept walking. The alley seemed bigger and darker than it was before like something totally bad was going to happen. That's never good. What time did we even leave? It shouldn't be getting dark this fast. I felt fear slowly creep up my back like a spider. My pace slowed down so Arcade could lead. Maybe I should be the sidekick.

It seemed like hours we wandered before swing the blood. There was so much fucking blood. I don't think anything human could have this much blood. Like an idiot, I followed the blood. In a horror movie, we'd totally be dead...we'd be deader than dead. Something was on the walls watching us, but nothing was there, nothing visible, at least.

Metallic clinking came from a different part of this weird maze that shouldn't be here. I froze up and looked over my shoulder. Still nothing.
Jesus Christ, I am regretting my life choices. I practically clung onto Arcade as we kept moving forward. There was raspy breathing as we moved closer to someone or something.

I stared straight at it, which was probably the straightest thing I've done in my life. It was hideous. There was a chain around is neck, wrists,and ankles. It's head moved quickly when I made a small squeak and that's when I decided that I do not need to deal with an abomination. I quickly grabbed arcades hand and started to run. Something stopped us and then we realized we were totally lost.

"Shit, where are we," I shouted and looked around frantically.

Arcade shrugged and looked around also. Could no one put a god damn map in creepy mazes that shouldn't exist? No? Fuck.

"Why are you leaving so soon," someone asked and I quickly turned around.
Her hands we stained due to excessive magic use and I could see it in her veins closes to her hand and a little bit on her neck.
Oh, shit. Oh, fucking shit.
I stepped closer to Arcade.
"W-we didn't mean to intrude," I managed to say.

Her head tilted slightly and she took a step towards me. I could imagine every single possible way she could murder me. You see, once someone is corrupted, there's no humanity left in them. Well maybe it's just there impulse control that's gone.

"Well aren't you a cutie," she exclaimed and pinned me to a wall with a knife at my neck.

"Don't hurt h-," arcade would of shouted completely the rest of his sentence if she didn't use her magic to fling him against a wall that was far from us.

My eyes widened and I felt the knife knick my throat as she looked me up and down.

"I might feed you to big guy over there...it's been Getting pretty hungry lately," she said softly and gripped my collar. Not the sweater! Hurt anything but the sweater! She started to drag me there despite my struggling and I saw Arcade lying on the ground.
Arcade...Arcade, that fucking piece of shit.

I looked up at her and smiled.


I managed to free myself from her grasp and I ran. Okay, so know I have some corrupted lady trying to murder me and I have to figure out a way to carry arcade even though I'm weak.
Man, I wish Satan was here right now.

First things first, deal with the lady. I grabbed the pipe that was Laying near arcade, well something good came out of him being thrown at a wall.

"Kabābu," I mumbled and felt the pipe starting to heat up as I walked towards her.

Here's a funny thing about corruption, most mages get it in minor forms when using magic in stressful situations! Oh boy how fun is that! Basically when someone is corrupted it's their addiction to magic worsening, and sometimes people black out and guess what I did?

I totally blacked out.

MY BEST FRIEND IS NAMED SATANWhere stories live. Discover now