"Well you need to watch your steps baby." She said.
Wait a minute did she just call my husband Baby,
Don't get me all jealous types but somethings are meant to be personal.
Kabir stood there motionless.
Shit. This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Drishti?" I heard Kabir whisper.
This practically cannot be happening now is it.

"Now it seems you still haven't forgotten me." She said, her tone slutry.

I am just one step away from slapping her.

"Well then you need to watch where you go lady, because it is practically not possible to forget the faces of witches." I stepped in. Somewhere I saw
automatically a smile stretched across his face as I laced my long fingers with his.

Drishti looked puzzled and was about to snap back when Kabir intervened.

"You better not say a thing about my wife." he warned her looking back at me.
I gave him a smile assuring him I was here.

"Well, wouldn't your wife like to know who am I?" She asked moving her hands on Kabir's arm.
I was beyond irritated. I swatted away her hand and replied,
"Why does it look like I care" with a sickening smile

"Do you know I am his pretty little secret." She said again.
Kabir's grip on my hand loosened, which scared me. I wanted him to grip it tighter and tell me it was nothing.
I knew Kabir and I could do this later so I turned my attention to the problem in hand. The problem that stood 5 feet 3 inches tall clad in a rather exposing white dress.

"Do you know wine stains do not get off dresses." I warned Drishti.
Kabir looked at me confused.
"Well, thanks for the washing machine tip." Drishti replied giving a disgusted look.

"Uhh, well you will need it." I replied before emptying my glass of wine on Drishti's dress.

I heard Aryan and Dad clapping from behind laughing. I turned around and just took a bow. It seemed we had pretty huge audience enjoying this. To avoid any further quarreling I pulled Kabir to our table.
Once out of the shock Kabir couldn't stop laughing

"You were here." He remarked.

"Well I wouldn't miss it, now would I?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows.
He pulled her in a side hug.
I was hell sure I wouldn't have missed it.
"When do you leave?" Aryan asked.
Kabir had been a bit silent since the whole Drishti thing.

"10." I replied simply looking at Kabir trying to read his emotions.

He looked up at me and then back down. We were at an after party that followed the award function.
He held my hand tighter.
Soon enough he pulled me off the table in a secluded corner.
And instantly claimed my lips. This time in a rush, tension or something on that line.
He seemed worried, he seemed scared.
No matter what I kissed him back.
I surrendered myself letting him do whatever he felt right.
Somewhere it felt good to be his need but somewhere I dreaded what would have happened if I wouldn't have been here.
Leaving my lips. He started laying wet kisses on my neckline leaving a love bite at the connecting bone.
Looking up he held my face tighter in his grip and placed his forehead on mine.

I picked my hands from my side and reached his face easing his tension lines on his forehead.

"I trust you." I said.
These three mere words made him smile.

He got hold of my wrist and pulled me towards the exit.

"Kabir, where do you think are we going." I asked as he walked faster

"We're ditching."

"The party is for you." I reminded him.

"As I said, we are ditching it." He said pulling me to the parking lot towards his hired car.
He tipped off the driver and took the driving seat opening the passenger door for me while texting someone.

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