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Jungkook smiled softly as I entered the kitchen with my hair in a messy bun. I looked at him and smiled back before getting a glass out the cupboard. I walked past him so that I could get to the fridge, slapping the top of his head as I passed by him.

" Ouch! Why did you do that? " Jungkook exclaimed as he rubbed his head dramatically.

" Don't question your older sister's actions. " I told him as I grabbed a can of orange juice from the fridge, pouring some of the content into my glass.

" I don't question your actions noona, I question you style. Like what are you wearing? " Jungkook questioned and pointed to my clothes. " Especially.. WHAT ARE THOSE?! "

" You've been hanging around too much with Namjoon, and I'm banning you from the internet, what even. " I shook my head slowly as I look up into his eyes.

It was frustrating that my younger brother was taller than me, by several centimeters. My half brother Jihoon was also taller than me and I felt like that one lonely minion of the family.

I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my hot pink sweatpants only to feel my expression fall as I remembered that screen had broke.

" What happened to your phone? " Jungkook asked me.

I glared at him for a second before taking a sip of my orange juice. " I dropped it, sort of. " I replied and downed the rest of the orange juice left tin the glass.

" Oh, well at least it's not completely broken and unusable right? " Jungkook asked me as and took a bite of the slice of bread with cheese he had prepared meanwhile I poured up my glass of orange juice.

" No, it's not entirely broken it's just the screen. " I told him poked the side of his stomach making him bend to the side as a reflex, he of course where ticklish there.

" Okay, alright. "

I went back up to my room again after putting the glass I used into the dish washer. I closed the door behind and leaped for my bed landing softly on the edge of the bed and bouncing back to the floor landing in a mess of limbs with a grunt.

" Why do I never jump far enough, darn it. " I exclaimed as I stood back up while rubbing my head as it had hit the floor as I landed.

I groaned as I stepped up into my bed so that I stood in the bed. I then fell backwards letting my head land softly on my big pillow with a sigh.

" Tomorrow.. tomorrow is the day. " I whispered and smiled.

Silence filled the room as I just laid there, breathing. But the silence was soon broken by the annoying tune of my phone's message notifications tune. I slipped my hand quickly into the pocket of my sweatpants and pulled out my phone.

New message from Ji-min♡

I unlocked my phone quickly to see what the message was about.

I can't come tomorrow, my sister is moving and I promised that I'd help..

I forgot when I planned this date, maybe some other time, nae?

I sat there a few seconds just taking it in. It made me a little angry as well as really disappointed.

Oh, okay. Whatever yeah, it's alright.. Yeah maybe some other time...

I exhaled in frustration, knowing deep down that I did not think it was okay or alright, far from it. I despised how I lied like that as an attempt at telling my self that yeah, it'll probably be alright, we'll just reschedule.

But deep down, I had little faith left that there where any chance at all.

I might seem like a person who give up quite easily, but your self confidence is low when your dealing a creature as seeminhly perfect as the one I'm dealing with; Park Jimin.

Is he worth it?

hiii.. waddup? thanks for a mind blowing 10k reads. it means the world to me, thanks. ♥

ps:: there are just a few more chapters left before this book is finished.  comment here if you want a sequel and i'll see what i can do ;)

heidi lovise

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