~Part 21 - Room Of Requirement~

Start from the beginning


I walked down the corridor towards the great hall and went to have some breakfast, i joined Neville and Seamus for breakfast. While they were discussing Herbology, i glanced over to the Slytherin table to see Draco staring at me, no glare or evil in his eyes just staring at me. Pansy noticed him and started grabbing his face so he would face her but he just ignored her and kept his gaze on me, i looked up properly and my eyes met his, he sort of smiled at me and i just kept a straight face. Then Pansy came over to me looking quite angry.

"Can you NOT stare at my boyfriend, riddle? Hes not interested in you! your a slut and a Liar, and your not wanted here by anyone!"

"Excuse me? But double check you facts as he was staring at me first! So clearly he is interested, question does he wear a snake ring?" I smirked thinking if he did wear it he still loves me, like i still wear his ring he gave me last christmas.

"Yes he wears a snake ring but thats nothing to do with you Riddle!" She spat back.

"Oh but dear Pansy it does, i gave him that ring and its enchanted to stay on his hand as long as he loves me! So guess what your boyfriend loves another woman!" I smiled knowing Draco does still love me.

"Okay, your probably lying like last time, so get out of my face!" She stood there waiting for me to move.

"You need to move then, your at the Gryffindor table, leave, NOW!" With that she ran back to the Slytherin table and tried to kiss Draco but he was now looking at me with confusion.

I didnt want to be stared at anymore than i was seeing as the whole hall started listening to mine and Pansys talk, so i stood slowly from the table and walked out before transporting to the Room Of Requirement, i didnt want to see anyone really. After a while members from Dumbledores Army came in here and we all chatted about what we will do when the war starts. We have been doing this for months like every saturday and what ever free time we have we join together to discuss tactics and stuff like that. Also we had created a passage way which leads to Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus' brother, he helps us alot. The portrait covering the passage is blank until Aberforth needs us then he sends the little girl in the portrait at the other end to us, the little girl is his little sister, Ariana who died very young. Whilst we were engaged in conversation, Ariana came to our potrait and openind up the passage signalling Aberforth needed us. Me and Neville walked into the passage and the potrait closed behind us. Me and Neville walked silently throught the passage until I spotted light at the other end, the potrait opened and i saw Aberforth there with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"HERMIONE!" I sqeualed and jumped on her in a hug. "Wait you guys coming to Hogwarts does that mean you got it?"

"Yeah we got it!" Ron beamed holing up the small goblet.

"Brilliant now lets get back!" I beamed and Harry and Neville chatted while i talked with Ron and Hermione.

When we got back to the others, they burst into applause when they saw Harry, Ron and Hermione. They all gave hugs and what not until Ginny rushed in with news.

"What is it Ginny?" Neville asked.

"Snape knows! He knows Harry was sighted in Hogsmeade" She sighed.

Everyone was a little panicked then but decided not to show it really, then Snape called all students and Staff to the Great hall. I decided to stay with Harry whilst Ron and Hermione joined the Order members. I grabbed a spare Gryffindor robe and threw it on Harry to make him blend in. We mingled into the Griffindor crowd snd made our way to the Great hall, I grabbed Harrys hand and mouthed 'we are in this together'. He smiled and we walked into the room with our heads down as Snape spoke. He was muttering about how Harry has been spotted and that and if anyone knows any information and dont come forward they will be punished and stuff but then Harry stepped out pulling me with him.

"It seems despite your defensive stratiges you still have a bit of a security problem Headmaster" Harry stated and the great hall doors flew open and the Order Of The Phoenix came in plus Ron and Hermione.

"Tell them, tell them how it happened that night! How you looked him in the eye and killed him. a man who trusted you and killed him" Harry shouted to Snape, god he was really mad about it, if he knew i did it i would loose my friends, forever.

Snape raised his wand to me and Harry so we raised ours to him and then Professor McGonagall jumped in front of us and shot fire to Snape making him flea out of the window with the Carrows. She lit all the candles in the hall making it light up and feel warm.

"Those who wish to fight get ready, thos who do not can join Slytherin House in the dungeons" she shouted before she approached me and Harry.

"What is it you need?" She asked.

"Time Professor as much as you can get us!" Harry half shouted.

She nodded and we rushed out, Ron and and Hermione then came back to us with a fang. I took the hint that they had destroyed the goblet and we all made our way to the Room Of Requirement.

"Lauren why have you brought us here?" Ron asked as he held Hermiones hand, how cute finally they know each others feelings.

"Another horcrux is in here, its a diadem! Come on!" I said and dragged then through the door that had just appeared.

We found the Diadem in some jewellery box and as we were about to leave we were inturppted by Draco, Blaise and Goyle. I internally groaned.

"Potter, i believe you have something of mine, i would like it back!" Draco spoke, i knew he meant his wand.

"Thats were your wrong Malfoy, i dont have you wand, but non the less whats wrong with the one you have?" Harry added.

"Its my mothers, its powerful but its not the same" Draco replied.


"Just do it Draco dont be a prat" Goyle whispered in Dracos ear, i just heard him.

Draco shot a harmless spell and Goyle shot Avada Kedavra and it nearly hit Hermione so Ron went mental and chased him. We saw Ron run back towards us shouting something, i didnt know what he was in about until i saw the fire rounding the corner. I went wide eyed and ran after Ron, Hermion and Harry, the fire cornered us off with no where to go until i saw 4 brooms there, i threw everyone one and we flew up above the fire. My heart was racing, what if Draco had been burnt alive and Blaise? I flew above the fire frantically looking for them and i then saw them clinging for dear life on a table above the junk.

"I cant leave them!! You know what he means to me!" I screamed and turned towards Draco and Blaise.

"Lauren if i die for them, i will come back and haunt you" Ron roared but i ignored him.

Me and Harry flew down and i held my hand out for Draco and Harry for Blaise, Draco gripped my hand and i pulled him onto the broom. He wrapped his arms my waist for dear life and we all flew out of the Room Of Requirement, we crashed off the broom and Draco wrapped his arms tighter around me, i pushed him off and him and Blaise ran away, i then looked and saw Ron kicked the diadem into the fire as the doors to the ROR close and Harry fell back. Harry came back to reality.

"Its the snake, his final horcrux is the snake, i know where it is" Harry panted out of breath.

We followed Harry down to some boat house after avoiding all the fighting between Hogwarts and Deat Eaters, i could hear my stupid father talking to Snape then Nagini attacked him, we all rushed in and Snape was muttering to Harry, i couldnt really hear but i watched Harry collect Snapes tears and Snape died. Then my fathers voice sounded in the school.

"You have all fought valliantly but now im making my Death Eaters retreat, and Harry Potter im now talking to you! You have an hour to meet me in the forbidden forest and no one will be harmed but fail to do so and i will kill every man women and child who conceals me from you! And Lauren Maya Riddle, i want that elder wand, if you dont I will harm your son, your Scorpius! I will find him and kill him! You have an Hour!"

I felt really sick once he had finished, he will actually kill my little boy to get my wand? Thats sick, but this is war, and i know Scorpius is safe.

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