Chapter 15

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Bethany's p.o.v.

I woke up and Drew wasn't there, like last time. However, there was a note on my phone.

Let's go eat ice cream with Em. She wanted you to tag along so text me.

Xoxo - your Prince Charming-

I smile as I look at the note then, I text Drew and we decide to meet at Lola's ice cream that's near the beach at 11:00. I look at the time and it 9:30 so I decided to take a shower after eating breakfast. After I take a shower, I change into a pair of blue jeans and t-shirt. I head out side and get a text from Drew.

Hey... I'm sorry but Emily won't be there today because she's sick. She's gonna have to stay home with Josie. She says that she's sorry.

No, no. It's okay. I hope she feels better. Then I'll see you at Lola's. Bye. Xoxo.😘😘

Okay then, see you there. Bye 😘😘

Then I leave my house and put my earbuds in my ear. I play One Dance by Drake, nod my head back and forth to the beat and then, start walking towards the ice cream shop.

Grips on your waist
Front way, back way
You know that I don't play
Streets not safe
But I never run away
Even when I'm away
Oti, oti, there's never much love when we go, oti
I pray to make it back in one piece
I pray, I pray

That's why I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time 'fore I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me
I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time 'fore I go
Higher powers taking a ho-

Suddenly, I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turn around. I see the person that I really don't want to see ever again.

"What are doing." I ask him.

"Please Bethy, give me one more chance. I'm sorry. I screw up okay? And now I'm apologizing so please forgive me huh?" Alex says.

That jerk!!

I slap him across the face. "Hey there Alex. You better shut your mouth and just walk away. And before you do, I want to tell you that you don't deserve anyone because if you break their heart, you'll just think a simple apology with solve everything. But you know what? That won't so just don't ask anyone out if you're gonna break their heart. I'm sure they can do wayyyy better than that and better off without you. Okay? Good. Now bye." And with that I just left.

I reach the ice cream shop and walk in. I look around and see that Drew's sitting down at a table by the window.

" Hey." I say as I kiss him.

"Lets go order." He says. Then we go over to the cashier and order.

"Hey there." The cashier says in a seducive voice.

"Um... hi." Drew says.

"What kind of ice cream would you like today?" She asks while batting her eyelashes.

"Umm.. I would like a scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip and two scoops of Cookie Dough, please."

" Right away. Will that be all?" she says in an annoying girly voice.

" Excuse me?" I ask in annoyance.

"Yes?" The bitch says as she rolls her eyes.

" Hi, I would like a scoop of Moose Track and another scoop of Double Fudge. Oh and I would really like it if you wouldn't flirt with my boyfriend." I say in a sweet voice and a fake smile.

" I- I'm sorry. I didn't know! Here's your ice creams.. That'll be $8.35 please." She says looking as if she's gonna pee.

Drew gives her the money an we go back to the table and start eating/licking our ice creams.

"Can my day get any worse?" I say.

"It was only that girl who flirted with me, right?" Drew asks.

"Only her? No no no. Actually, I met a dick today." I say seriously. ( cocothefabunicorn ) I look back at Drew and see him laughing. Then I realized what was going on and I started laughing along with him.

"No, I meant..... that I saw ....Alex today." I told Drew but then I looked back at Drew. However, he was scowling.

"What do you mean you met Alex? You mean the Alex who cheated on you? That son of a bitch? What the hell did he do? Did he hurt you? I'm gonna kill that di-" Drew's voice raises as he talks but I cut him off.

"Hey, hey, HEY! Alex didn't do anything. He tried to talk to me but I cut him off by slapping him across the face and. It felt really good. Anyways, nothing happened between us and everything's over now." I assure him.

"Okay... Okay. Well let's just have fun and forget about everything that happened earlier." Drew says with a smirk.

"Hmmm... What should we do?" I ask.

"I don't know.. How about we just go watch a movie and eat dinner?" He suggests.

"Deal. And let's go cuz I'm very hungry." I say as we get out the ice cream shop.

We go and eat at Christini's Ristorante Italiano then go watch Captain America : Civil War. When we finish the movie, we went to my house and said goodbyes. I go inside and see my mom eating Gilmore Girls so I sit down beside her and watch. After a few hours, I go upstairs and change into my pjs. I lie down on my bed and started watching Red on Netflix. The next thing I know is that my eyes starts to close and I slowly go off to dreamland.

Drew Hunter really changed my whole life.


Hey guys.😉😉

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