Chapter 12

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cocothefabunicorn JESS_L_QPJ_57

Bethany's p.o.v.

I wake up and head downstairs. I see my parents in the kitchen, drinking coffee together.

"Honey, I was wondering if you'd want to go shopping with Josie, Emily and I." My mom asks.

"I don't have anything to do, so why not?" I tell my mom.

"Okay now get dressed because we will leave in a hour. Okay?" Mom says.

"Okay." I say then I run upstairs and take a quick shower then dry up. I change into a fresh pair of bra and panties then walk into my closet. I choose out a black flowy spaghetti strap tank top, a pair of light washed shorts and a red flannel. ( JESS_L_QPJ_57 ) Even though I have a cast, I look pretty nice in it. I tie the flannel around my waist and I grab my brown fringe cross body bag and put my phone, earbuds, makeup pouch, wallet, a pack of sour patch gums, lotion and my sunglasses in the bag. Then I go over to my accessories and pick out a long unicorn necklace and my bff bracelets from Lauren. I go downstairs and we all go to the mall. When we get there Josie, Emily and mom decides to go to Toys R Us and I just went to Victoria Secret, Forever 21, Zara and other shops. I was walking around with all of my bags, then suddenly, I bumped into a hard chest.

"Dude watch where you're go-" I stop my self when I look at him. I see a handsome guy standing in front of me. Perfect jawline, amazing light blue/green eyes. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a tight whit-

"You done checking me out, sweet heart?" The guys smirks.

"I-I wasn't che-checking you out-t." I blush.

"Sure, you weren't. Anyways I'm Alex, nice to meet you." Alex says.

"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Bethany." I say.

"Well, looks like you got injured." He says, referring to my arm.

"Yah well I was surfing and BAM! It just happened. So that's how I got this." I answer.

"Wow." He says. "Well do you want to sit down?"

"You're a stranger that I just met, and I barely know who you are or what you even do. So you think I'll be safe?" I joke.

"Okay well your choice. But I swear, I won't kill you or anything." He says.

"Dude, I'm just joking Alex. Gosh, this very funny." I burst out laughing.

"Umm.. I-I knew that!" He says. We walk over to the cafeteria and sit down. We talked and laughed what seemed liked hours and hours. Suddenly, I hear my phone ring so I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"BETHANY ALISON WATSON!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I hear my mother yell at me on the other line.

"I'm sorry I just met someone and we were just talking. Sorry. But where are you guys?" I ask.

"Well, we're at Gymboree so why don't you come here!" Mom says.

"Okay then I'll see you there. Bye." Then I hang up and look back at Alex.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. My mom's waiting for me." I say.

"No, no, no. It's fine I should get going too. Ummm I was wonder if you would like to go out with me tomorrow night or something. Only if you're free." Alex asks while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure! Just give me your phone number." I tell him while handing my phone to him.

"Oh! Really? Um here." He says as he punches his number in." Then I'll pick you up at 7:00."

"Okay bye." I say as I get my shopping bags and left.

I meet up with my mom, Josie and Emily then we all head home. When we arrive, it's about 4 so we ate a snack then I went upstairs then changed into a pair of sweats and tank top. I called Lauren and talked about what happened today and lately. Then I wanted something to eat so then at 6 we ate dinner then I went to the convince store and bought some chocolate, chips and a Mountain Dew. I came back home and started watching Salt then I fell asleep.


Today I woke up at 10:00 and watched modern family on Shomi. Right now it's 4 and Lauren's in my room choosing an outfit for my date.

"Why are you here? Alex won't be here until 7:00 and that's 3 hours away from now." I tell Lauren

"Only 3 hours. Now go to your barhroom an take a quick shower." Lauren says as she pushes me into the washroom. "Oh and don't forget to shave! You've got hairy legs there!"

I take a shower and shave my legs. I walk our and look at the outfit that Lauren chose for me. It was a pair of light washed skinny jeans and a white Beatles crop top. I change into them with Lauren's help and then I wear my turquoise sandals. for my accessories Lauren picked out a circle diamond earrings, a heart shaped necklace and my black and gold watch. I look at the time and it's already 6 so Lauren does my makeup and curls my hair. I spray some perfume around my body, grab my sunglasses and put my phone, makeup pouch, wallet, a pack of sour patch gums and lotion. There only 30 minutes left so Lauren and I talk while we are waiting. Then we hear the doorbell ring. Before I go downstairs, Lauren does some final touch ups. I go downstairs and hear my dad talking to Alex. Oh no.

"Hello Mr. Watson, I'm here to pick up your daughter." Alex says.

"Oh hello son, you must be Alex right?" Dad says in his low protective voice.

"Yes sir." Alex replies.

"You do have tattoos?"

"No sir."

"Do you do drugs?"

"Absolutely not sir."

"Okay then. Oh and by the way just call me Kevin and curfew is 10 o'clock, sharp." Dad says then he turns to my mom and says. "I like this kid."

"Dad stop scaring Alex." I say as I walk down the stairs and see Alex checking me out. I blush and look at him. Alex wearing a pair of black jeans, a navy blue v-neck shirt and has his hair messy which makes him look hotter.

I wish I could just feel those abs underneath the sh-

"Shall we go?" Alex says.

"Yes. Yes of course! Bye mom, bye dad." I say and grab Alex's hand and we get into his car.

"So where are we going to?" I ask.

"Well, miss. That is a surprise." Alex smirks. I sigh but don't say anything. After 10 minutes, we arrive at a....

" A movie theatre?" I ask.

"Umm. Ya I heard there was a good movie coming up so I thought that maybe we could watch it. I hope you don't mind." Alex said nervously.

"No. No. Not at all. but what movie?" I ask.

"Um... The Brothers Grimsby." Alex says.

"Okay. Then let's go in." I say.

When we get in, we buy our tickets and foods. We get into the auditorium and wait till the movie starts. When the movie ends, we go an eat at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Then we come back home at home at about 9:30.

"Thanks for everything, Alex. I had a great time. " I tell him.

"Your welcome. I had a fun time too." He says. " I was wondering if you'd want to do it again."

"Ya I'd love that. So just text me." I say.

"Okay. Bye." He says and give me a kiss on the cheek. My eyes widens and I automatically touch the spot where he kissed me. I look back and see that Alex already in his car, waving at me. I wave back and walk inside. I say hi to my family and answer their questions about the date. I go upstairs and change then call Lauren and talk about all the details then drift off to sleep.

Sparks flew and electricity went through.


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