Chapter 2

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Bethany's p.o.v.

FINALLY!!! THE SUMMER BREAK HAS BEGUN!!! As much as I want to do the 'throwing-papers-in-the-air' scene from High School Musical,  it's not allowed so... No. But at least I can go home now.

I put everything from my locker into my box then carry it to Matt's car.

" Beth, I'm gonna hangout with my friends so just go home with Laur and tell mom that I'm going to be late. Okay?" Matt asks.

"Fine, but at least let me put my box in the car and don't be too late" I tell him.

I spot Lauren and ask her if she can take me home but then I remember that she has a girls day at the mall with her mom and other sister, so I look back at where my brothers car was, but it's not there anymore. I sigh and start walking home. When I get home, there's no one there, as always, so I run upstairs and watch Pretty Little Liars on Netflix.

When it was 4:10 p.m. I change into my surfing uniform and head to the surfing school that's about four blocks away from my house. When I reach the building, I notice Lauren's car is still there. Then I spot a red Audi R8 parked in one of the employees's parking spots but I just ignore it and go inside. When I'm inside I spot Lauren so I go over to her.

    "Hey, Laur. Do you know who owns the red Audi R8?" I ask.

"No, sorry, I have no clue, but aren't you, Eric and I the only employees that have worked here within the past few years." She asks. "Maybe it's a new worker?"

"Ya.. Maybe you're right. Guess we just have to wait till boss introduc-" I get cut off by our boss, who is trying to get our attention.

"Listen up.. We have a new worker here, his name is Drew Hunter and he will be working with us and helping the kids" my boss says.

Lauren and I look up and spot a really hot guy just standing there while scratching the back of his neck.

" Umm. Hello, my name is Drew and I came from Vancouver. I'll be working with you guys for a while so yeah. "

So then I get back to work while Lauren rambles about how hot that Drew guy is, and I have to agree with her, Drew's really hot. Anyways, that's how the day went.

     Then next morning I woke up at noon and decided to eat some yogurt. Then I ran upstairs to change into my surfing clothes before I left for the beach with my surfboard. Next thing I knew I was shredding waves on the beach.

When I dry myself up, I hear loud clapping behind me. I turn around and see a really hot guy that looks really familiar clapping.

" Ummm. Who are you?" I ask as I put my shorts on.

" Oh, right. Um.. Hey, my name's Drew Hunter. I came from Vancouver to visit my Aunt and baby cousin." Drew says as he scratches the back of his neck. "Oh, and by the way you're really good at surfing!"

"Oh, I remember you from the surfing school and thanks, well that's what happens when you've been surfing for your whole life. By the way, I'm Bethany Watson and I've grew up in this town. " I told him. He smiles and it just makes me melt right away. " So, does your Aunt live close to here? " I ask.

" Yeah she does, actually she lives ri-" he gets cut off by his phone that makes a notification sound. " Oh, sorry I have to go. My Aunt is looking for me. Hope to see you again." Drew says while running backwards. As soon as I see his figure disappear, I take my board and head home.

There's only one thing that I'm thinking about tight now.

I, Bethany Watson, have a crush on Mr. Canadian...


Hey guys so the next chapter is gonna be Drew's pov.

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