Chapter 8

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Bethany's p.o.v.

For the past week, everything's been awkward between me and Drew. He did try to talk to me but I kinda turned away and ignored him cuz I honestly don't know what to say. So I decided  that I need to get Drew off my head.

     "Beth!!! Do you remember Michael Hasher? Well, he's having a party at his place today so we should go. Like to clear your mind and stuff. Ya know?" She says.

     "Your saying this just because you want to go to the party and have fun right?" I ask.

     "Ya but that and because of you so what's your answer?" She asks.

      "Sure but we're not drinking, k?" I remind her cuz every single party we go to, I always see Lauren drinking so much.

     "Nooo. Maybe a little tiny bit? Please?" She pouts.

    "Fine." I say as I sigh.

     "Okay!! Now let's get ready cuz it's now 7:40 and the party starts at 9." Both of us decide to wear something not too dressy. I get a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans with a bright turquoise tank top. Then I grabs a pair of crystal heart earrings, gold double necklace and my black adidas superstars. My nails were already painted in a similar colour as the shirt that picked out. While I go to change, she pick out her outfit. She grab a pair of light washed high waisted shorts and a loose batman crop top from my closet, because we're the same size so we just share each other's stuff. Then she grab a pair of black ribbon earrings, a silver heart necklace and then she grab my black high-top converses.

When we were done with makeup and hair, I had to admit that we looked gorgeous. We took Lauren's car and drove off to Michael's house. We arrived there and there were so many people there drinking, dancing, making out and other things that I don't want to say. I saw Eric standing there with a red plastic cup in his hand, talking to a guy, who I think is Michael Hasher. Lauren and I head to the bar and Lauren asks for six shots of tequila.

     "Wow, wow, wow. Hold on there." I say. "Laur, you know I can't drink right and six tequila shots are too much. You take 4 and I'll take 2. Okay?"

     "Fine." Lauren answers.

I take only one shot at first then drink it down. I feel the burning sensation in my throat but for some reason I drink the second shot. I actually think that I can get Drew off my mind today. I ask Lauren if I can have another one, so the passes one down to me with a grin on her face. After those shots we decide to dance a little bit so we danced to a bunch of songs then I see two boys coming towards us I actually recognize them. I see that they're Eric and Michael.

     "Hello ladies." Michael says. Michael's not one of the players like Eric or most of the boys at school. He's more like those charming and polite guys.

     "Hey Michaellll. Nice partyyyy." I say, more like slur.

     "Hey Bethany. You seem a little bit drunk. Am I right?" He asks.

     "Druuuck?!?! Pusssssh, noooo! I'm noott druuck, I'm perffectly norrrrrmallll!" I slur. I feel this weird feeling in my tummy." I think I'm gonna be sick"

I cover my mouth and look around. I spot a plant and run over there and throw up. I feel someone like someone pull my hair out of my way. Get up when I feel a little bit better.

     "Michael I'm sorry about your plant."I mutter.

     "Nah.. Don't worry about it I could just throw it out. The plant was fake anyways. I hope you feel better and I think you should go home. Okay?" He suggests.

     "Okay... Thanks and I'm really sorry about the plant." I tell him.

      "Don't worry about it. Hope you feel better."

     "Thanks. Bye Michael, see again." I say and grab Lauren and we drive back to my house and walk in. Honestly, my parent don't really care if Matt or I go to a party and drink. They just don't want us to do drugs or lose my v-card right now. I walk up to my room with Lauren following me, because she'll be staying the night, and we just faint on my bed and fall asleep.


The next morning both of us woke up with a huge headache. My mom gave us aspirin and some homemade blueberry muffins for breakfast.

"What are you girls up to do today?" My mom asks.

"Well Lauren has to go home because she has visitors and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. How about you?" I ask.

"Well, your dad and I are thinking to go surfing. Maybe you and Matt, if you guys are free, wanna be the judges." She says.

"Oh yeah. I'll get Matt and we'll meet you guys outside when Lauren goes." I tell my mom.

"Oh so that's how it is Beth. You want me to go A.S.A.P. right?" Lauren yells dramatically and fake glares at me.

"Yeah! That's how I want it, so why don't you go?" I ask in a dramatic voice too.

"Okay I will after I have these amazing muffins that your mother made!" After a few seconds, my mom, Lauren and I burst out laughing. Then my brother walks in.

"Hey Matthew, you want to be judges for the -"

"THE ALL TIME PARENTS SURFING? HELL YEAH!!!! LETS DO THIS AFTER I EAT THESE AMAZING MUFFINS!!"he yells while stuff 2 muffins in his mouth. Eww.

When Lauren left, my mom and dad went out surfing so Matt and I grabbed our small white boards and a marker and went outside. I was just wearing my purple sundress and my sunglass. After two, three hours of scoring my parents we decide to head out for lunch. We decided on KFC and after eating we came back home. When we came home it was about 7:45 so I decided to call Lauren and ask her about the lunch with her visitors.

"Bethany? What's up? Wait did you call because you want to ask about what happened with lunch? It was h-o-r-r-i- b-l-e!" Lauren exclaims.

"Well it can't be horrible." I say.

"Well it is horrible. There was this 7 year old boy and he talks like a girl. And since there wasn't anyone else to take care of him, I had to do it and for like 20mins? Oh no no no. 2 HOURS!!!" Then Lauren rambled about this dinner and the kid for so long that when I hang up the phone, it was already 9:54. I was actually really tired so I changed into my pj and climbed into bed. Before I drifted to dreamland,  my phone lit up saying that I had a notification. I notice that Drew texted me.

Drew: Can I talk to you? Please?

Oh god....


Hey guys

Hope you didn't get mad at me for what happened between Bethany and Drew. 😬😔 But the real question is: will Beth say yes or no?

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