Chapter 10

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Bethany's p.o.v.

I wake up at the sun shining through my curtains, into my room. I get up, go to my bathroom and look at the big mirror. Wow. What the hell happened last night? Jesus.. I tried to fix my hair but then I realized. Who am I trying to look good for. I just shrugged and head downstairs and saw my mom talking to Josie and Emily, surprisingly.

     "Helloooo people... Well what a surprise to see you two here today." I say chuckling.

     "Bethyyy!!! How wa youuuu? I missed you sooo much!!" Em said as she runs towards me, jumping into my arms.
     "Hey there pal!" I exclaim as I pick her and kiss her cheek. " So what are you guys doing here?"

"Well Josie and I wanted to go to the spa and your dad and Matt went to a football game. So.." Mom trails off.

"What? you want me to babysit Emily?" I ask.

"Oh would you do that!! Oh my god!! Thank you so much, Beth!! You are a life saver!!! Okay well the lunch money's on the dinning table and we'll be back at about 3 or 4 ok!" And with that they left. "So Em, how about we go surf? I think we can be in the water for a while. What'd you say?"

"Yes, yes and yes!!" Emily yells in my face. We change into our swimsuit. I'm wearing my purple bikini and Emily's wearing a pink one-piece flower swimsuits. I take my favourite i ❤️ surfing surfboard and I get a small boogie board for Emily, that I designed myself. We head out to the beach behind us. I see Emily playing with the boogie board so I decide to surf a little. So I take my surf board, tie the leash around my ankle and wait for a wave to come. There are some waves but not really good so I just duck dive under it. Then, I see the perfect and huge wave coming at me. I get ready and I get on the board and I feel myself going up. After a while, when i get the hang of it, I try to do a aerial but I fail. The next thing I know is that I crash into the waves. I hear Emily calling my name, but soon the voice fades and the board hits my temple then my arm. Pain spreads across my whole right arm then, I blackout.


Drew's p.o.v.

I walk outside for a run. As I jog, all of a sudden,I hear a baby voice crying for someone. I walk closer to the voice and hear the voice screaming the name Bethany.

Wait, Bethany as in Bethany Watson?? What happened to her?

I run and see Emily on the sand crying, shouting towards the beach. I walk towards Emily and pick her up.

"Em, Em!!! What happen? Why are shouting for Bethany's? Do you mean Bethany Watson? What happened to Bethany?" I ask to a crying baby.

"Beth... Was swerfing... But thwen, she fwell and now ....I don't knooww..... wherwe she is!!" She exclaims while pausing to sniff. I'm to surprised to do anything but when I got back to reality, I run and dive into the water. I swim towards the direction where I see a white surfboard. I go and grab Bethany's arm when I see her body and start swimming towards the swallow water. I come up and ask someone to call 911. Meanwhile I lie Bethany down in a safe position and start to do 30 chest compressions and go on. I still don't hear breath so I start to panic way more than before. I hear sirens coming.

"Bethany... Please please stay with me. Please I can't lose you." I whisper.

The paramedics starts shouting at each other and carrying Bethany on to the stretcher. While they're doing that I call Bethany's parents and explain what happened and to come to P.B. Hospital. I tried to get in but they didn't let me so I ran, with Emily in my arms, and climbed into my car. While I was going I kept prying that Bethany would be okay. When we reached P.B. Hospital, I carry Emily with me and enter the hospital. I rush to the service table and see girl in her early 20's. I knock on the desk to get her attention.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me wear I can find Bethany Watson? She probably came in a couple of minutes ago." I ask her.

"Oh hello cutie. What's your name?" She flirts while batting her lashes at me. Is she kidding me?

"Oh hey there hot chick, my name's Drew. Do you want to go- a no!! Listen her bitch! Cut the crap her and just tell me where she is!! Okay got that? Good! Now tell me!!!" I yell in her face. I could see that she was surprised at my words. Well she deserved it.

"Uhh- uhh she's in ro- room 217 on the 2nd floor." She stutters. I mutter a thanks and carry Emily and run towards the elevator. Just as I'm about to close the door, Stephanie and Kevin walks in and they press the 2F button.

     "Oh guys I'm so glad to see you guys here. Bethany's in room 217." I tell them.

     "Okay Drew lets go." Stephanie says and right at that moment, the door opens. Stephanie, Kevin, Emily and I get out and reach Bethany's door. The doctor says that one or two people can come in. I insist that Steph and Kevin go first so they go in. After a few minutes, the two comes out and Kevin is comforting a about-to-cry Stephanie.

     "Umm.... Drew, you can go in." Kevin says.

I walk into the room and I see Bethany lying down on the bed, sleeping. Her face is pale and she has a cast around her right arm. Then, I take a chair and I sit down next to the bed. I take her small hand in mine and I take a big breath.

 I take her small hand in mine and I take a big breath

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     "Okay Beth.. I know you probably can't really hear me but I just want to say that I really like you and I'm so glad that you're okay." I take a pause and look at her. "I'm sure that you don't like me, Bethany, but I really really like you. I'm just saying that you don't have to, you know, say anything about it or anything. I just want to say that I'm really glad and happy that you're, I don't know, ...... alive and still breathing. Well then I should better get going, bye..." I say as I get up.

I walk out of the room and then Emily wanted to go in so, while Kevin went to the washroom, Stephanie took Emily to see Beth. Later on, we said our goodbyes and left the hospital. I drive us home and I tuck Emily in because it's already 11:34. Then I went back to my room and lied down on my bed.

Thank you God for saving Bethany.


Hey guys... Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Ilyasm!😘😘

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