Gwen turned away from him in frustration and crossed her arms as if they were bunch of two year olds. She looked down to the ground, trying to hide the fact that she was smiling on the outside and in. Her and Barry have had so much fun in the last two weeks training. He was a good guy, a guy that she wanted to have around for a long time.

"Barry?!" Dr. Wells said again. Barry turned towards him, but kept his eyes towards Gwen. "Uh yeah?"

"Don't you think it's time for you two to have a break? Maybe cool down and change your diapers?" He managed to make out without grinning.

Cisco beat his hand against the window and started to laugh hysterically. "Shots fired for you two! Nice one, Dr. Wells."

Dr. Wells rolled his eyes. "Very so. I am serious though, Gwen you look tired and your wound on your arm hasn't healed yet. You need to take a break before you break your stitches."

Gwen placed her hands behind her back and breathed deeply as she was trying to get her breath back. Barry came up next to her and wrapped an arm around her neck and handed her the blue water bottle with her name scratched on the top of it. She mouthed 'thanks' and looked up at him with a smile. Oh, how he was enjoying all this time with her.

"Gwen..." Dr. Wells mumbled again. She took a long drink of the water and nodded.

"I get it Dr. Wells. I am not immortal. I got to be careful..."

Barry opened the door of the room they have been training in and they both walked out into the lab towards the others. Gwen sat down her water bottle and stretched her back. She knew that Dr. Wells was right about her needing to take a break and not force too much on her, but all she could think about was that night, Lucifer, and how Blaz somehow disappeared making him still out there. So she needed to use up all her work leave with stuff that was going to better her, not weaken her.

Dr. Wells turned his chair towards her direction. He placed his palms into his lap and exhaled. "Caitlin what's her heart rate?"

With pursed lips, Caitlin looked down at the tablet in her hands. She tapped the screen then pulled the tablet into her chest and looked up.


Dr. Wells reached up and fixed his glasses that were sliding down his nose. He rolled the chair closer to Gwen and focused his glare onto her.

"You heart is racing, Gwen, so you're right. You're not immortal. Barry nor you is immortal. You may have freaking powers, but don't you realize if you get hurt one more time than that's on me! That's on Barry, that's on all of us!"

Gwen stepped back, bumping into Barry. Everyone froze as if the room suddenly got colder. No one really thought that Dr. Wells could blow like this and yet still make a lot of sense. She was pushing herself. After her surgery she immediately released herself and now she was realizing what she was doing. She was experiencing denial or what she liked to tell patients... Post traumatic denial.

"But... You..." Gwen tried to comment in.

Dr. Wells furrowed his brows. He exhaled and his tense muscles relaxed. "I suppose I was a bit harsh. I apologize. I know I am the one who said you should start to train more, but maybe I am too focused on the bigger picture..."

"What would that be?" Cisco joined in.

Dr. Wells turned back on his chair to roll over to the computer. He stopped halfway and turned to face everyone. Gwen held in her breath almost certain what he was going to say.

"It's been 2 weeks since you were kidnapped Gwen and we still haven't figure out who has been after you. Other than meta-humans and your health. This should be our main priority."

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