"You have me, Yugi. You have me for always," Yami responded as he crushed his lips to Yugi's. They had kissed a few times before, but not a real kiss. Not one with emotion as strong as this behind it. Yugi's tongue ran over the dusky tan lips of Yami; inviting them to open; requesting that his tongue come out to play. Yami obliged, parting his lips to allow Yugi in. The petite siren's tongue ran over Yami's caressing it; tasting the exotic spice flavor that was Yami. The Egyptian allowed Yugi to explore the dark moist cavern that was his mouth before his tongue waged a battle for dominance. He gained control in a matter of seconds. Yugi's tongue disappeared into his own mouth; luring Yami's tongue to follow suit. The tanned siren pushed his tongue into the small sweet mouth of the smallest siren. One tan arm wrapped possessively around Yugi waist and one hand entwined in Yugi's soft spiky ebony hair. He tilted Yugi's head up; deepening the kiss. Yugi moaned in pleasure; the moan was lost into the deep recesses of Yami's talented mouth. Unwillingly, they broke apart each in dire need of oxygen. They gasped for air; their cheeks tainted with a bright pink blush.

"Wooooo!" they heard a cheer come from the other side of the room where the group stood watching them, "It's about Ra damned time!" Marik laughed heartily.

"That was hot!" Malik smirked.

Deep red colored the cheeks of the two sirens still holding each other in a loving embrace. Yugi's head nuzzled into Yami's well toned chest. Yami smiled down at him; his embrace becoming tighter on the small delicate creature wrapped within his arms.

"Did you just say something?" Yugi's glanced up into the deep crimson pools.

Yami blinked, "No, I didn't say anything."

Yugi tilted his head, "You didn't just say how beautiful I am and you would always protect me?"

Yami's eyes widened, "Yugi! I thought that, I didn't say it!"

"Holy Ra!" Yugi gasped, "Think something else. I want to see if it was real or if I just imagined it." Yami smirked and thought of something. Yugi's eyes glazed over as he listened and quoted the words that came to mind, " 'Aibou, I am so happy our love is mutual. I always look forward to spending time with you. You make my heart flutter each time I see you.' " Yugi blushed at the sweet worlds that came out of Yami's mind and his mouth.

Yami gasped, "That is exactly what I thought! You can read my mind, Yugi!"

Yugi tilted his head, "I wonder if you can read mine." Yugi locked crimson in his amethyst stare as he began to think, /I love you, Yami. I love everything about you. Your courage, your strength, your devotion; you kindness, and your protective nature./ Yugi thought.

"You are too kind, Yugi," the Egyptian siren smiled.

The group glanced between them in awe, "What did he think, Yami?" Tristan asked. Yami glanced at Yugi who nodded his approval to tell them. Yami repeated word for word what Yugi had just thought.

"Was that really what you all through, Yug?" Joey asked curiously.

"Yep!" Yugi confirmed, "Word for word." Yugi chuckled, "Wow! We can read each others thoughts!" Yugi paused, "And emotions?" He glanced at Yami, "Is that your excitement or mine?"

"It's Yami's," Ryou smiled, "You two have a mind link! I've only heard of a few sirens developing that ability."

"You should kiss him again!" Joey hollered at Yami.

A well defined ebony brow arched, *What do you think, Yugi?* Yami asked through his mind link to Yugi.

*Let's give them a show,* Yugi smirked.

Yami dipped Yugi and placed a chaste kiss on his collar bone. He felt the petite siren shudder a small wave a pleasure, excitement, and anticipation passing through their link. The crimson eyed siren smiled to himself as he left a burning trail of kisses from Yugi's collar bone to the nape of his neck. Yugi moaned letting his head fall back allowing more access to his neck. Yami seized the opportunity and attacked Yugi's supple neck with soft nibbles; soothing them with a kiss. He made his way to Yugi's jaw; he kissed his way all the way to Yugi's lips. The half lidded amethyst glanced up at him before closing as his lips were captured in a passionate soul shattering kiss. Yami slowly brought Yugi back up into a standing position as he broke the kiss. Their cheeks flushed; eyes half lidded in love and desire.

"Very steamy," Joey chuckled.

"Excuse me," Ryou blushed as he hurried off into his bedroom.

*Do you think Ryou is okay?* Yugi thought through their link.

A knowing smirk passed over Yami's lips, *He is an empath, Yugi, he can feel our passion, our love, and our desire as if it was his own. He probably need to go...relieve himself,* a silky baritone laughter drifted through their mind link.

Yugi blushed deeply, *We should probably tone it down around him then.*

*I will never hide my feelings for you again. I made that mistake already and almost did not have the chance to tell you how I feel.* Yami smiled.

"They are doing it again aren't they?" Tristan asked looking from one siren to the other.

"Yup, you can tell when they are talking to each other, their eyes glaze over and go unfocused," Marik pointed out.

"Oh, I see," Joey commented observing the two.

"As sweet as this all is, I don't want to spend the whole night watching you too make moony googly eyes at each other," Marik chuckled interrupted Yugi and Yami's conversation with each other.

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you want to do then?" Yami asked Marik.

"Let's relax a bit. I think we deserve it after that rescue. Let's watch a zombie movie!" Marik smirked.

Yugi sent a groan through their link. *It's okay, Aibou. You can just sleep through it,*Yami glanced at the petite siren, *you can even use me as a pillow.*

*That doesn't sound too bad then,* a small blush was accompanied by a smile on Yugi's cherubic face.

"Okay, Marik, zombie movie it is," Yami chuckled.

A/N: Thaaaat's right! Their mind link is OPEN! Woot!

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