Doughnut Disaster II

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Judy held onto the red soft covered folder, skimming through the small print on the single paper of the rather vague report. Her eyes darted from word to word, careful to not miss out any hidden or underlying clues that would be a bonus to solving the mystery much faster. Not much could be studied in the report itself; There were no pictures clipped along with it and the description of the case was way too generalized. After a moment of proofreading it multiple times, Judy scowled grumpily.

"This is just the exact replica as our first 48-hour case log; No leads to work on, I guess we have to start from scratch when we reach Clawhauser's house," Judy said as she snapped the folder shut and handed it to Nick. "See what I mean? There is nothing to infer from this; unless your acute detective senses could sniff out something like you did last time with the traffic cameras."

"Having full access to all traffic cameras in Zootopia is way different from deducing from a single piece of paper decorated with a handful of written lines, Hopscotch. I am no super detective, but I can always try," Nick replied as he scanned through the details. He shook his head. "Yup, there is zero information that would even help us here. I mean, the description here is whatever Chief Bogo had already delivered to us in his brief," Nick added, gesturing his paw at the written words.

"I hope Clawhauser simply lost telecommunications signal in his region," Judy exclaimed, walking out through the main sliding glass doors of the modern ZPD building. Nick followed behind, taking out his shades and wearing them just as the afternoon sun's glaringly bright rays hit his face. His soft fur radiated a strong vibrant orange under the sunlight.

"Such a bright sunny day, I hope your chocolate treats for easter are not melting in your pockets," Nick joked, playfully elbowing Judy on her side as they entered their police mobile parked right outside of the premises alongside a busy road. This time, Judy had specifically reminded herself to keep note of the time to avoid being issued another golden ticket.

"Do I look like an easter bunny to you?" Judy responded sarcastically as she inserted the car keys into the ignition switch, starting up the engine.

"Yes, you do. And I think you do make a pretty fine easter bunny," Nick answered with a keen smile. He finished the cup of smoothie as he strapped on his seat belt, resting the case file on top of the car's dashboard. "This time, I am keeping the seat belt on and real tight just in case a little bunny decides to stomp on the breaks again."

"You know, I just might one day when I catch you off guard," Judy commented, sipping the warm latte which Nick had treated her during breakfast; Which was cooled to a lukewarm now as the time hit noon. Quenching her thirst, she placed the cup back inside the cup holder and grabbed hold on to the steering wheel.

"Like I said before Whiskers, that will never happen," Nick countered, eyes wide open as his paws were raised in an act of playing defensively. Judy rolled her eyes in disagreement as she drove the car down the street, maneuvering across parked cars and slow traffic. As Judy had her eyes fixed on the road, Nick switched on the radio to a soft volume. Another great hit from Gazelle was playing on the channel; "Hippos don't lie". Resting his back on the seat's comfortable leather bound recliner, he nodded with the rhythm of the song.

"I wonder what would the biggest fan of Gazelle be storing in his house?" Nick inquired as he whipped out his smart phone and tapped away. Accessing his social media was one thing that's a necessity for him. It had been integrated into his usual hourly routine ever since he acquired a phone.

"A whole collection of her albums? I do not know," Judy remarked, cocking an eyebrow as she slowed the police vehicle to a halt in front of a red light. "Just pass a couple more flats and we should arrive at his doorstep."

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