Chapter 17

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I turned, my dress wrinkling beneath me. A small woman stood at the other side of the room, pausing in the doorway to catch my attention. I stood, holding my wedding dress in both hands as to not step on it as I walked to the middle of the floor.


The woman moved away from the door, gracefully gliding across the floor until she stood just feet away. Wrapped in a ceremonial toga with brown sandals on her feet, her hair was curly and wrapped up in a messy bun on top of her head; orchids peeking out of small areas, radiant and purple. She was beautiful, blessed with kind, blue eyes, rosy cheeks and with hair the color of auburn...

"It's nice to finally meet you."

My expression changed from one of confusion, to that of realization.

"Are you....?"

She nodded, a sweet smile playing at her lips. I felt my eyes suddenly start to blur and she shook her head, taking me into her arms.

"Now now, there's no need to cry. You're going to ruin your makeup! It's alright."

I couldn't help it, I sobbed like a small child, feeling soothed by only the touch a mother could provide. And she was holding me, stroking my hair with gentle hands. I pulled away, trying to see her face.


Her brow furrowed, yet my sorrowful eyes implied my impending question.

"I had to. It was ordered by the Gods, and I must obey. I wanted nothing more than to run away with you Mina. I would've rather died than have you taken away from me."

I nodded, breathing deeply as I calmed myself.

"So, I decided that instead of resentment and anger, I should feel proud, honored that the Gods had chosen a child of mine to fulfill such an momentous event in our history. Yet everyday, your father and I yearned to see you, to know that you were happy and healthy-"

"Father? Where is he?"

She paused, her expression turning grim as her eyes softened, and I understood, staring down at the floor. She was my only blood relative that was still alive.

"His name was Acacius."

"What about you? What is your name?"

"My name is Alexandra."

I smiled at Alexandra, but quickly turned my attention to the flood of people outside of my window who were approaching the entrance to the palace - the ceremony was going to begin soon. Alexandra took the train of my dress and helped me out of the room. As our footsteps echoed down the long corridor, each servant bowed before us, one quickly running to Alexandra to take the burden of my dress. We arrived at two, thick wooden doors, towering several feet above our heads.

I turned and faced Alexandra with eager eyes and a nervous smile. My stomach was twisting and churning, my palms were becoming clammy, and most of all, my heart was beating wildly. Alexandra placed both of her hands on wither side of my face, searching my eyes before she whispered softly,

"Amo te ex toto corde meo." 

I shut my eyes, resting my forehead against hers, "I love you too, Mother."

She pulled away, lifting her hands to draw my veil over my face. I gave her a final nod, and faced the grand doors. Two servants stood on either side, and I nodded to each. Each grabbed the handle of the doors, and pulled, swinging the massive slabs of wood back, revealing an enormous cathedral, lined with hundreds of pews and exquisitely carved ceilings.

Colors of every sort illuminated the inside, from the rays of light that poured in through the delicate stained glass windows. Hand carved figures that emerged from the ancient stone walls, beckoned to the proud people that now stood for me.

Alexandra came to my side, linking my arm with hers as she handed me a bouquet of fresh calla lilies, their stalks wrapped in a thick ivy

"I'm proud of you Mina." Alexandra squeezed my arm, and together, we proceeded down the isle. Numerous harps began to echo throughout the cathedral, and a choir of cherubs began to sing. Their melodic voices calmed my frantic mind, and I focused on the man who stood before me, waiting to become my husband.

In the front pew, The Elders sat, all turning their heads with wise smiles and nods of pride as I arrived at the alter. Alexandra lifted my veil, kissing me on  both cheeks before joining the Elders. I turned, grinning at Edgar who stood patiently, a sheepish but incoherent smile creeping across his lips.  His face was pale and firm.

A wreath of leaves adorned the top of his head, while he was dressed in a black tux and shined dress shoes. I guess the mortal world made a bigger impact that expected. Edgar reached out shakily, placing a wreath similar to his on top of my head, before quickly placing his hand in mine. It was cold and unwelcoming, as if it were being forced. I began to glance down at it, but the God began to speak.

He began to thank Zeus, his deep voice booming throughout the entire cathedral. A small dagger had been placed at the alter between Edgar and I, and I picked it up, gently slicing one of fingertips to allow one single drop of blood to fall into the waiting goblet that sat below. It was filled with a deep, dark wine, an Edgar took the knife, hesitating before giving his sacrifice. The god continued, before finally arriving at the end of the ceremony, the final establishment of our union.

"Tu, Mina, sume tibi Edgar Brendt aeternum sponsum ab hac die itineris per quod dat vitam, servire deorum fidem et vivat puris pure sumit?"

Do you, Mina, take Edgar Brendt to be your eternal spouse, from this day forward through whatever journey life may give, to serve the Gods with pure loyalty and live a pure existence? 

I smiled at Edgar's voice, closing my eyes. This was the moment  I had been waiting for. The time  has finally come for Edgar and I to be joined. It was meant to be, and I couldn't have been happier. My heart pulsed with a steady beat and my fingers wrapped harder around the bouquet I held. The words came off my tongue, so effortlessly, so smoothly, it felt so right.

"I do."

"Tu, Edgar, sume tibi Mina Blackburn aeternum sponsum ab hac die itineris per quod dat vitam, servire deorum fidem et vivat puris pure sumit?"

I smiled, relishing in the sound of Edgar's voice as he replied, opening my eyes to kiss him. Yet, a quiet whisper traveled through the pews, and I turned to see Edgar frozen, his mouth shut tight, and the God waiting. Waiting for what? I glanced between the two, puzzled.

"Edgar, kiss me."

The God looked to me stupidly, "But he did not agree."

My eyes widened, and I looked to Edgar with frantic, helpless eyes. He turned, staring at me with remorse, and suddenly, my throat started to constrict. I felt my fingers grow numb, not noticing the calla lillies fall from my hands.

"Well done Edgar. You have proven your father quite proud."

The voice erupted out of nowhere, and struck me with an overwhelming feeling of nausea. I slowly turned, glancing over my shoulder to find Hades standing in the doorway.

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