Chapter 12

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"Oh darling! We've missed you so much!" My mother had said this exact same phrase numerous times already.

I had tried to apologize for leaving, but neither her or my father had given me the chance. I had been positive that my mom was going to completely pass out after she opened the door, and saw me standing on our front step. Luckily, my father was close behind to catch her before she fell.

"Sit down, sit down. All of you. I'm so pleased that you're here. Now Averi, who are your friends?" My mum asked happily as if I had never left.

She was so quick to forgive, and forget. I could only hope that everyone else would be the same.

I gestured towards Lana first. "This is my stylist, and also, amazing friend Lana. She's only a few months older than Ash--um...than I am." I finished awkwardly. I wasn't ready to bring up Ashton quite yet. I still wasn't prepared to take whatever news on him that my mother might give to me.

"This," I said pointing to Evan, "is my frien--"

"Boyfriend." He said quickly cutting me off. "I'm her boyfriend."

"Yah...boyfriend. Right. This is Evan." I said turning red from embarrassment. I still wasn't used to calling him my boyfriend, and he knew it. He quickly laced our fingers together, and tried to soothingly (I'm assuming) rub my hand with his thumb.

"Oh yes! Evan! It's so good to finally meet you. Thank you so much for keeping in touch with me all these years, and keeping us updated on our daughter." My mum leaned into my dad when she said this, a happy smile on her face.

"It was my pleasure." He told them both, smiling back.

"So, what bring you home Averi?" My father finally addressed me.

Evan squeezed my hand softly indicating that everything would be alright. "I came to apologize." I said slowly. "I'm sorry for leaving all of you, and causing so much trouble. I love you all, and I don't know why I left. I'm so sorry daddy...mum. I came back to try and make things right again, and I can only hope that you'll forgive me, and let me back into your lives."

I had rehearsed what I would say so many times. I had to remember that I had been gone from their lives for years, and it was extremely difficult hard to remember. It wasn't getting any easier.

"Oh sweetheart, of course we forgive you. We never stopped loving you. We just hoped that someday, you would find your way back to us."

They both then stood up so that they could wrap me up into a hug. "I love you both so much." I said trying not to cry.

"We love you too." My dad said back.

It was such a perfect moment...things were going so shouldn't have been a surprise when the moment ended not even five seconds later.

The front door slammed open, and then shut again bringing with it a tall figure with shaggy hair falling across his face. He was wearing dark ripped jeans, and a baggy sweatshirt with frayed edges. There were dark bags under his eyes. His hard, lined face was badly in need of a shave. This sad looking figure was my dearly loved twin.

"I'm back. Bring me up something after dinner. I'll be in my roo--" Ashton had finally noticed that our parents weren't the only ones currently occupying the room.

"Well now, look at what the cat dragged in...." He said rudely staring at me, and completely ignoring Lana and Evan who were sitting awkwardly in their seats, not sure where to look.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin! Don't be rude to your sister like that!" My mother said sternly.

"I thought I told you that you were too late for an apology." He said completely ignoring our mother. "So what the hell are you doing here Averi."

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