Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning tangled up in the blanket next to Michael. I couldn't get up because he was still holding onto me. I glanced up at a clock on the wall and noticed that we had a half hour until we had to be at work. Great.

"Mikey..." I said softly. He didn't move a muscle. "Michael! Wake up!" I said louder poking him in the cheek.

I had a little too much success this time around. It scared him which made him yelp and roll off the couch...dragging me with him. We landed on the floor with a very ungraceful thud.

"That did not feel good." Michael grumbled holding his head.

"It's not my fault you decided to spazz and fall off the couch." I grumbled back.

He shot me a glare. "Well why'd ya have to wake me up?"

"Because we half 30 minutes to get to work. Now stop whining." I said glaring back.

"I wouldn't be whining if you knew how to properly wake someone up." He said whining once again.

"Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine this morning..." I said trying to get up. The blanket was still tangled around our legs.

He leaned over to help me untangle myself, and then helped me up. "Back at ya babe."

After we were all showered and dressed (I was borrowing one of Michael's shirts) we got to work as quickly as we could. We were working with Marsha and Jim today. We were planning on taking them for a picnic in the park. They enthusiastically greeted us the moment we entered the center.

"It's picnic day!!" Marsha yelled as she hugged me and Mikey.

"You got that right! Now let's go make some food!!" Michael yelled as he charged into the kitchen with Jim close behind.

Marsha and I followed the two boys at a slower pace. "Why are you wearing Michael's shirt?" She asked.

"I slept over at his house last night, and we were running late this morning. So I just borrowed one of his for today."

"Oh. It's really big on you." She said back making me laugh. I loved their statements of the obvious. It never failed to amuse me.

Michael suddenly poked his head out of the kitchen. "Marsha, what kind of sandwich do you want sweetheart?"

"Peanut butter and jelly please." She answered sweetly.

"Told you so!" Jim shouted from the kitchen.

Michael rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. You were right. I should have listened to you." He said and went back into the kitchen.

"Oi! What about me? You're not gonna ask what I want??" I shouted as we walked into the kitchen.

Michael lifted one eyebrow towards me and scoffed. "Ave, babe, I don't need to ask what you want. I know you, and I know what you like. Now go away, and find something productive to do. Me and Jim want this to be a surprise." He said ordering us out.

"Sir, yes Sir!" I said saluting him on the way out the door.


We were all laying on our backs in the grass looking up at the clouds. Michael and Jim had prepared us a fabulous lunch with all of our favorite foods. We all had entirely over-eaten, and we weren't regretting it one bit.

I loved the summertime. As long as I wasn't being scorched by the sun, it made me pretty happy. Right now was one of those times. There was a soft breeze blowing across our faces, making the weather absolutely perfect.

"We are gonna go swing." Jim declared helping Marsha to stand up.

"Okay. Just stay where we can see you please. I don't wanna make poor Mikey have to chase you around again Jimmy." I said with a smile.

"Maybe!!" He laughed as the two of them ran off.

"I love them." Mikey mumbled softly.

"Same." I agreed. "And they are the cutest couple ever."

"Mmm...yah...but I could think of an even cuter couple..." He said quietly.

"Who??" I asked suddenly curious.

"I can't tell you that. They aren't together yet." He said with his eyes closed.

"But Mikey! You can't do that to me!" I whined at him as I sat up.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you right now. If they ever end up together, then I will tell you who it is. Deal?" He asked still not opening his eyes.

I glared at him, but it didn't make a difference since he wasn't looking at me. "Fine." I grumbled.

I laid back down and watched the clouds for another minute before letting my curiosity get the best of me. "Can you tell me anything about them??"

He poked one of his eyes open to squint at me. Then he sighed loudly and dramatically. "Fiiiiine. I'll tell you a little bit about them."

"Yay!!! Do I know them?!" I squealed.

"Hush! No questions, or I won't tell!!"

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's okay. Anyways, yes. You do know them. They've been friends for quite awhile. He really likes her, but....he isn't sure how she feels about him." He began.

"Well why doesn't he just tell her then??" I asked confused.

"Because...he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. What if she doesn't like him back? What is he supposed to do then?"

"Well...he's never going to know until he finds out. I think he should just ask." I said.

"It's not that easy Ave. He's been friendzoned by her one too many times. I don't think he could ever handle losing her." He said solemnly.

I watched him for a moment taking in his reaction. "Does he love her?"

He looked back at me, and then sat up. "Yah....he does love her Averi."

"Well then..." I said sitting up and looking him straight in the eye, "I think he should tell her that. Maybe she loves him too."

Michael sat and watched me for a moment before scooting over closer towards me. He grabbed my face so that he could look me straight in the eyes, and softly stroked the side of my face. "I love you Averi." He said quietly.

I smiled softly at him, and moved in closer. "I love you too Mikey." I said before fully making my move.

I threw my arms around his neck, and hugged him tightly. "Now go tell that friend of yours to let this girl know that he loves her! I wanna know who it is!" I said happily before letting him go, and moving a bit away from him.

He sat there watching the ground, not moving a muscle for a minute. Then he slowly looked up at me and nodded his head. A soft laugh came from him as he ran a hand over his face and through his hair. He looked suddenly tired.

"I should've expected that reaction." He said with a forced smile.

"Wait...what? What are you talking about?" Why was I always so confused around him lately??!

"Nothing, Averi. Nothing. You're just being your typical self. C'mon. Lets go get Jim and Marsha. I'm ready to go home." He said as he stood up, and then helped me up as well.

"I'm sorry Mikey...I don't mean to be." I said softly. I could tell that he was upset, but I didn't know why.

"It's fine Averi. Let's just go." He grabbed my hand, and entwined our fingers together like usual before leading me over to where Marsha and Jim were waiting for us on the swings.


SORRY IT HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG TO UPDATE!! I've been crazy busy lately and have had literally no down time. This play I'm in is almost over though (*tears) and soon I'll have more time on my hands! Life has been crazy! Hope you enjoyed even though it is pretty short! Feel free to leave comments! One more chapter before the exciting crap begins!! Yayy!! :D

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