Chapter 2

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The smell of roasted marshmallows and smoke filled the air. Our parents were home now from work, and we decided to go outside and make a fire. Everyone knows that you can't have a fire without marshmallows.

I was sitting curled up in a chair with Ashton trying to persuade him to toast me marshmallows, because I was too lazy to do it myself. We had been outside for a couple of hours now, and I could tell my parents were ready to go inside. My dad stood up and stretched before reaching for my mum's hand to help her up. He kissed her softly on the lips, and then began putting out the fire while my mum came over to kiss us goodnight.

"Goodnight my darlings." She said as she kissed each if us on our cheek. "I love you both so much."

"Goodnight mum, love you." We chorused together.

Dad came and said goodnight to us as well after the fire was all out, and then followed our mum into the house. I sat still with my brother for a moment longer before he suggested we go inside to get some sleep as well.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight Ashie?"

"Course you can." He said looking down at me.

I smiled up at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck cuddling closer to him. He rolled his eyes, but took the hint. He stood up with me in his arms and carried me back inside so I wouldn't have to walk. I pretty much had the best brother ever.

I went and put on some PJ's and came back to find him in bed on his phone. I crawled in next to him, and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Who ya talkin to??" I asked.

He put his phone down and looked over at me. Then he turned away and sighed while running his hands through his messy hair.

"RiRi...uh...hmm..." He rubbed a hand over his face, and looked thoroughly flustered.

"Oh my gosh. You're talking to a girl!! What's her name?! Who is she!! Why didn't you tell me about this?!? Ashton!!" I squealed letting my inner girly self fully out.

"Averi! Shut!! Up!!!" He said clasping his hand over my mouth.

"You're so freaking loud...yes. It's a girl. She's Luke's cousin, and they just moved here about a month ago. Her name is Mara. Seriously though...if you freak again, I'm not going to introduce you to her! Understood?" He asked.

I couldn't say yes because his hand was still covering my mouth, so I just nodded my head vigorously instead. He slowly took his hand away from my mouth, and as soon it was gone I let out another squeal.

"Ashie has a girlfriend!! Ahhhhhh!!! That's so cute!" I squealed sitting up and clapping my hands.

"She's not my girlfriend! Well...she is, but seriously Averi! You need to shut up!" He said exasperated.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry." I said as I burrowed back under the blankets.

"There's something else..." He said looking over at me. "Don't freak again okay? You know how me and the guys have been putting up covers of different songs on YouTube??"

I nodded my head yes to his question.

"Well...they've been getting a lot of views lately. It's kinda crazy. I have over 20,000 followers on twitter, and I hardly even use twitter. There are girls literally begging me to follow them! It's the same for the other guys...Ri, I think we could go farther with this. It's kind of exciting." He looked at me to see what I was going to do, but I stayed quiet.

"For now we are just going to keep making more covers...ya know? There's only a small chance that this could ever take off. I just thought it was cool, and wanted to share it with you." He said with a small smile.

I smiled back at him and hugged him around his waist.

"That's awesome Ash. Thank you for telling me bro. I love you Ashie!!" I squealed the last part a tiny bit earning a chuckle from him.

"Love you to Ri." He said hugging me back.


Hey! Yeah...sorry. This really sucks. It's a total filler chapter. Super sorry!! Hopefully it will get better! I hate leading up to the climax! I already have that all written out, but I need a lot leading up to it. Bleh. :P So sorry !!

Follow me on twitter! @iLoveLoubear

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