Chapter 4

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Hey guys!! Here it is! Chapter 4!! :))



I woke up one morning to my phone ringing. I angrily rolled over and answered it.


"RiRi!! Guess what!!" The voice on the other end belonged to Mara. The two of us, along with Jo were almost never apart lately. They were my two best friends that were actually girls.

"This better be woke me up ya know..." I grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you'll be fine. Guess what I just bought!!" She nearly squealed.

Mara didn't squeal. She just didn't. So her news was obviously going to be something good.

"I just got me, you, and Jo tickets to a One Direction concert!!" She did squeal this time, but so did I.

"Oh my gosh!! How? Are you serious!!!??" I was out of bed now, and I had taken to pacing the room.

"I found a really good deal, and I couldn't pass it up! So...I just bought them! You owe me $70 though."

"Of course! That sounds awesome!! When??"

"In two weeks actually. They are coming here on tour in a week."

I squealed. I couldn't help it. I had to have a total girl moment. I jumped, and squealed, and giggled. It was quite ridiculous. We had never been huge fangirls or anything when it came to One Direction, but we had always liked their music. Plus ,they were freakishly attractive. What kind of girl wouldn't freak out when finding out that they were going to go to a huge concert like this one? Crazy girls. That's what.

"Hey, so I have to call Jo and tell her now!! Goodbyeee!"

I hung up, jumped around, and squealed a little bit more before falling backwards onto my bed with a huge smile on my face.

My door slammed open revealing an extremely sleepy, and irritated looking Ashton.

"What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. In. Here!!?? You're so damn loud Averi!" He finished his little rant and then slumped against the wall with his hand over his face.

"Are you done?" I asked smiling at my brother.

"I'm so tired......." He whined.

I patted the spot next to me on my bed, giving him permission to sit. He slumped forward and basically fell onto the bed. Then he curled up, and moved his head onto my lap. I began to play with his hair, and rubbed his head knowing that's exactly what he wanted. We had done this for as long as I could remember. Anytime one of us laid our head in the other's lap, the other would always give a head rub to the other sibling. It was one of the many things we would do for each other.

"That was Mara. She just bought us three girls tickets to a One Direction concert."

"Wait, seriously? That's pretty cool." He said lifting his head up a little.

"Mhmm." I nodded happily. "I'm excited."

All of a sudden, Ashton's phone started ringing.

"Hulloo...oh hey Michael...yeah, she's right here...yap sure." He handed me over the phone.

"Hiiii Mikey!! ...What do you mean am I ready? Wha...?? Oh crap! I completely forgot! Yah sure. I'll be ready in 5 minutes. Bye!"

I had completely forgotten that I had work today. Me and Michael worked together, and we were going to just ride over together.

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