Chapter 9

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HERE IT IS!! The long awaited exciting chapter. Eep! I'm so excited! Are you?? ;)



"Averi!! Up! Up! Up!! You're going to be late for your interview! Up! Now!!"

What was up with me constantly being woken up by loud voices? I didn't understand. The longer I listened, the more I realized that I didn't recognize this voice. I pried one of my eyes open to see some woman that I'd never met before standing over me yelling for me to get up. I was also in a room that I'd never been in before, and I was definitely not in my own clothes. What the heck was going on??

"Wait a second...did you interview?" I croaked at the woman in my groggy morning voice. I received a sharp glare in return.

"YES Averi. Your interview! I told you all about it last night! I knew you would forget!! I knew you shouldn't have gone to that party with Justin Bieber!" She screeched at me making me wince slightly.

Party?! Bieber!? Why the hell would I ever go to a party with Justin Bieber!!? I thought to myself.

"Who the hell are you???" I directed at her thoroughly confused, and now wide awake.

"What do you mean 'who the hell am I?' I am your agent!! Stacee Jakk! Same as I've always been, and ever will be! Unfortunately..." She mumbled the last part under her breath.

"Excuse me!!? Why do I have an agent!!?" I screeched back at her.

She sighed and whipped around to face me. Previously, she had been looking through a closet sorting through a bunch of freakishly fancy clothes.

"Because, YOU are Averi Irwin. One of the most famous young women in the entire world. That's why! And you couldn't function without me! Now get your lazy butt out of bed!!" She nearly screamed the last part at me.

"I'M FAMOUS!!!???"

"Averi! Honestly!! You said you weren't going to drink at that party last night! I knew I should've sent Shep with you!" She growled at me as she tossed over some clothes that were entirely too expensive for my taste.

"I...I don't drink! Who on earth is Shep??" I said trying my best not to have a panic attack.

"Sure you don't...because you act like a crazed fool on a daily basis...and Shep is your bodyguard." She retorted sarcastically with a fantastic eye roll.

"My bodyguard??" I managed to squeak out.

"Yes. Shep Hill is your bodyguard. Now get up, and get ready! Lana will be in shortly to do your hair and make up. We leave for your interview in an hour." And with that being said, my agent, Stacee Jakk, left the room.

I picked up the slightly wadded up clothing that Stacee had thrown at me and looked at it carefully. Yup...I was going to have a full blown meltdown.

I didn't remember going to a party last night. In fact, I had to think really hard to remember anything about last night. I could slightly remember being with Mikey. We were fighting for some was a little cold because we were outside...but why were we fighting? Why were we outside?? We had gone out to look at the stars....and that's when we saw a shooting star, and then I made a wish....Oh my gosh. My wish.

I had wished to have a different life...and to be famous. So did Michael.

I began connecting the dots. Could that really have happened?? What did I do??! Oh, no, no!! Please, PLEASE, let this all be a dream....


"You must be Lana?"

A woman wearing an overly pink outfit, with a large amount of blonde hair piled on top of her head had just walked walked into my room. She pursed her thickly glossed lips at me for a second after I asked the question, and then let out a shrill laugh.

"Oh dear! Stacee did say you were on one today! Of course I'm Lana!! I've been with you for years, sweetheart! I'm the best!!" She said shrilly with another giggle.

After looking her over, I wasn't so sure how much I wanted this woman fixing my hair and doing my make up.

"Well, come here darling! Let's take a look at this new outfit of yours!!" She giggled yet again.

I stood up, and attempted to pull down my tight skirt which was riding a little too high in my opinion. Lana clapped her hands excitedly, and twirled her finger in the air indicating for me to spin. After a little hesitation I spun once for her, earning me another round of claps and shrill giggles.

"Oh I love it!! I understand why you just HAD to buy it yesterday now too! What a deal it was! Only £5000! What a deal, what a deal!!"

"£5000??!" I said in shock. I highly doubted my clothes and Ashton's combined even costed that much!

"Yes! Amazingly inexpensive! This little number I'm wearing cost over £8000, and it isn't nearly as fabulous as what you're wearing!" She gushed.

I couldn't tell if this woman was joking or not...I was guessing not. At least she wasn't yelling at me like Stacee had been. I still wasn't totally sure what was going on, but I knew for a fact that I didn't like it.


"Where's my brother at?" I asked Lana while she was fixing my hair.

"Brother.....oh yes! I seem to recall that you have a brother. I'm not sure sweetie, you haven't talked to him in years." She answered as she let another curl fall from the curling iron.

"What?? What about all my friends? What happened to Mike? Calum?? Luke? What about Jo and Mara??" I could feel myself beginning to panic. What happened to my friends and family?

"Sweetheart, I have no idea who you are talking about. I could barely remember you had a brother. You've never talked about them before. Why are you so interested in it now?" She asked me genuinely confused.

I didn't answer her back, but she didn't seem to mind as she began whistling a happy tune.

"Lana...could I call my brother?" I asked a few minutes later.

She had just finished up with me, and I actually looked pretty good. Lana was good at her job. My make up was light, and my hair fell around my face perfectly. I shouldn't have worried.

"Of course darling! I'll go get it right now from Stacee."

I thanked her as she ran out the door. I was beginning to like this eccentric lady. Sure, she was weird as heck...but I liked her.


I quickly dialed in the number, and let it ring. The number was the same as it had always been, and I was glad that something in my new crazy life had stayed the same.

"Hello??" The familiar voice of my brother answered.

"Ashie!! You'll never believe what's happened!" I began shouting into the phone. I missed him so much!

"RiRi? Uh...I mean Averi? Why are you calling me?" He asked sounding almost bitter.

"Wha...what? What do you mean? You're my brother!!" I said quiet this time.

"Ha...that never seemed to make a difference before." He said somewhat harshly.

"Ash...? I'm sorry. Please, you need to listen to me!!" I tried to explain.

"Listen Averi...I need to go. I'm sorry, but you're a bit late with this...apology. About 5 years too late actually. I'm sorry." He said quietly, and then he ended the call. I was heartbroken.

How did this ever happen?


YA KNOW....I'd really love comments on this chapter. Votes are fun too ;) this is my mystery chapter that has been written since May!! It's what everything ha been leading up to! I'm so excited it is finally here!! Eep! :D seriously though. What did y'all think of it ??? :)))

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