Chapter 22

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Gorran's POV:

Finally, it was the beginning of the first of my training with MI5. I had never been more as excited about anything in my life; it was as if all my Christmases. To date I had only used my powers once, but soon I would be learning to control them. Then I could use them whenever I needed them. I couldn't help but wonder if they'd attract the cute girls in my class, after all everybody loved super powers. If they worked that way, I would certainly have to try it out as soon as I completed my training. However, first I would have to painfully sit through achingly boring classes with some tutor who was likely to drone on and on about subjects that I had no interest in.

After I finally managed to force myself from my warm bed, I dressed myself in a navy tracksuit pants, a white t-shirt with thin blue stripes and a faded navy hoody. My sneakers were black, the toe area was scuffed as they had been a size too small for me for quite a while. I had to curl my big toe slightly as I pushed my foot inside of them. I knew that when I would take it off my toe would be red and too painful to straighten for hours. I regretted bringing them with me and not any of my other pairs of sneakers. However, I had formed a strange unexplainable attachment to the aged pair of shoes which prevented me from throwing them away even when it was evident that I should.

I searched through each of the presses in the kitchen until I finally found the one that contained many boxes of breakfast cereals. I pulled out a chocolate cereal and munched happily on it until I was left with only chocolate milk to slurp. It was probably not the most nuturious breakfast to begin my day with, but it definitely succeeded in bringing a smile to my face.

As I waited for my tutor to arrive, I walked slowly around my apartment, admiring all the amazing technology that created it. I could not wait to ring my parents and tell them all about it that evening.

The almost familiar crackle of someone outside sounded and I begrudingly pressed the button to leave him in. All I wanted to do was train, but first I had to survive three whole hours of schooling. I was dreading meeting the man who would try and persuade me to take part in and enjoy the “wonderful process of expanding and broadening my mind.” I could honestly say that learning to use my powers and training would teach me a lot more than any amount of words inside of textbooks and in a much shorter timeframe.

The door opened to reveal a young man standing before me, he was thin and marginally shorter than I had imagined he would be. He had a small brown briefcase in his hand and large thick-rimmed spectacles that were too old fashioned for his age. At a glance he seemed to be only in his mid twenties, but the way he was carried himself and dressed made me feel that he could be much older. He straightened his shirt collar as he came closer to me. It appeared as if he was also slightly apprehensive about meeting me. Maybe he was worried that I would have a strange power that could cause harm to him.

“Lovely to meet you Gorran. My name is Charlie...” he said. I was going to reply, but that it would only be polite to allow him to finish his sentence before I introduced myself. He looked expectantly at me before chosing to reach his hand out to mine and lightly shaking it. “Shall we go to the study then?”

“But... shouldn't you tell me your name first,” I replied. There was something strange about the man before me. He was not like any teacher that I had ever had and it wasn’t just that he was far younger than them. He didn't seem to fit the role, he appeared to be uncomfortable with the formalities of our introduction to each other.

“Charlie!” he repeated. I gestured with my hands for him to continue, but stopped immediately when I realised that it could be perceived as being rude. “Oh... I see you mean my surname. Wakefield!" he laughed. "You don’t need to call me by that though, Charlie is fine.” Mr. Wakefield or Charlie as he preferred to be known was appearing less like a teacher by the second. “After all, I may be teaching you, but you are not in school, I want us to be equals.”

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