Chapter 11

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Morgan's POV:

It was finally the first day of my training. I had no idea what Jet had in-store for me and had received no clues, but was already looking forward to it. I would be the best student that he had ever had. Nothing less than one hundred percent everyday and in each training, no matter how hard he pushed me. At least, I hoped that I would be capable of keeping up with his training programme- it was all in store, awaiting me.

The CIA had decided to fill my wardrobe with brand new clothes of every kind especially tracksuits in my sizes. I had no choice in the matter. I had been informed that  they were necessary for my training. The few clothes that I did have were either tattered beyond repair or much too small for me. Their idea behind it made sense, but it still upset me. If my clothing was not worthy of being in the CIA, maybe I wasn't either. The whole situation worried me. My mind kept alternating between fear and excitement. Most of the time, I could barely tell what I was thinking.

I worked my way through the various styles and brands of athletic clothing as I tried to make a choice. Eventually I settled on one outfit- the pants were navy and had a thin red stripe rising up the outside of each leg. I wore the royal blue polo shirt that had been hung up beside it. Unsure of how physical the training would be, I decided that it would be best to bring a jumper with me. I zipped up the grey hoody leaving the top half open so that it hung loosely off my shoulders, but still kept me warm.

I made my way down to the reception. Already, I was beginning to feel comfortable in the training facility despite the situation with the clothing. I still felt more welcome at that moment than I had done in the majority of my foster homes.

The idea of becoming an agent had intrigued me to say the least, but I knew that it would take a long time for me to complete the necessary training. For now, I was going to be wholly devoted to my training regime and do it all to the best of my ability.

A large crowd of people were huddled in a circle in front of the desk. Each person was dressed in black from head to toe. They were clearly about to embark on a mission and I wished desperately that I could go with them- even if it was just to watch I was certain that I would learn a vast amount on the job. 

A hand tapped my shoulder and I looked irritably behind me in search of the person who had rudely interrupted my thoughts. I gasped with surprise as I saw the tall, lean figure standing behind me.

“Jet!” I exclaimed, unsure of what I should say. I did not think that he would be meeting me in the reception, I had not been prepared.

“No more time for relaxing Morgan. The serious work begins now!” he joked as we stepped out of the doors and past the pool once more. We walked in silence past the building where we had been the previous day until we finally reached the entrance to the beautiful homely woods.

The trees were bigger than they had looked from the window; they must have been hundreds of years old. The barks of some were beginning to flake away with their age. A few of the trees had begun to grow sideways and the branches had become intertwined with others. Their branches growing in through another and back out the outer side. It was a breathtaking site and I absorbed in it. The happiness inside of me at that moment told me that that was where I belonged.

Despite my last encounter with the man who had been searching for me, I still considered the woods to be a place of indescribable beauty. Its huge expanse symbolised unrestricted freedom to me. The sound of the wind whistling through the trees made me feel invincible. I felt like I was capable of taking on anything in there without the slightest flinch or hesitation.

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