We Meet Rileytown

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I climb through the window to see Riley on her bed still in her pajamas, and Maya lying next to her.

"Ready Freddies?" I ask.

"Maya, you have to get far, far away from me," Riley says, "Idina, you too. I don't want either of you to catch this,"

"I know. That would be terrible," Maya says, before proceeding to roll around on top of Riley, making us all giggle, "Okay, now can we please go to school now and get out of Rileytown?" Riley's face changes, to a scary look I've never seen out of her, "What? I just said, "Can we get out of Rileyto-" Riley shoves Maya off the side of the bed.

"Riley!" I dumbfoundedly scold.

"What is it with you? That's just a word I made up!" Maya shouts.

"I know what it means! It means that I'm goofy and silly and weird!" Riley screams back.

"It means you're unique," I add with a reassuring grin.

"I don't want to be unique. I don't want anybody to notice me."

"Since when? Rileytown is where you live. We even made your own flag and national anthem, remember?," Maya pulls out a flag full of rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles, "Is this serious or are we having fun?" Riley looks down angrily.

"You are a bully," Riley says.

"Okay, that's not fun," Maya replies, standing up seriously.

"I don't like being laughed at, Maya."

"Nobody likes being laughed at," I add, looking down.

"But I'm not laughing at you, Riley. Who's laughing at you?"

"You should have never come up with it, and you're a bully. Okay?" Riley says, trudging to the door.

"Riley..." I say, trying to grab her arm to comfort her.

"Don't touch me!" She shouts, before snapping it back and running out of the room. Maya and I stand there, shocked.

"W-We should be getting to school," Maya says full of fake confidence.

"Yeah..." I reply, following her out the bay window.


"In what ways do human beings resolve conflict?" Cory asks the class.

"They talk it out," Farkle suggests.

"They go to war," Lucas answers.

"Why can't they talk it out?" I ask, looking at Maya and Riley who both look upset.

"They go to war," Zay confirms.

"Many conflicts escalate and do not end well. The story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is a prime example. Anybody know what happened? Riley?" Cory asks.

"Please stop picking on me," Riley quietly begs.

"What?" Cory asks.

"They had a duel," Farkle says.

"And Burr killed Hamilton," I end sadly.

"In 1791, Burr captured a senate seat from Hamilton's father-in-law, which launched their rivalry. Then Burr accused Hamilton of publicly insulting him," a phone goes off, making Mr. Matthew look at Riley who holds a pink phone, "Riley, no one should be texting you in class."

"I agree," she puts the phone down and looks Maya dead in the eyes, "I don't want you to say "Rileytown" anymore."

"I like Rileytown. I like you and I like to say whatever I want."

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